冰与火之歌系列之《权力的游戏》第453期:第二十六章 艾莉亚(9)(在线收听

   found one bastard, one said. The rest will come soon. A day, two days, a fortnight. 找到了一个私生子,一个人说,其他的也迟早会查出来。要么一两天,最迟不过两星期…

  And when he learns the truth, what will he do? a second voice asked in the liquid accents of the Free Cities. 等他查出真相,他会怎么做?第二个声音是自由贸易城邦的滑溜口音。
  The gods alone know, the first voice said. Arya could see a wisp of grey smoke drifting up off the torch, writhing like a snake as it rose.  只有天上诸神知道,第一个声音说。艾莉亚看到火把冒出一缕灰烟,一边冉冉上升,一边像蛇似的翻腾缠绕。
  The fools tried to kill his son, and what's worse, they made a mummer's farce of it. He's not a man to put that aside.  那群蠢蛋想杀他儿子,更糟糕的是,他们将把事情全都搞砸。他可不是这么好打发的人。
  I warn you, the wolf and lion will soon be at each other's throats, whether we will it or no. 我警告你,不管我们喜不喜欢,狼和狮很快就会打成一团。
  Too soon, too soon, the voice with the accent complained. What good is war now? We are not ready. Delay. 太快,太快了,带着口音的声音抱怨,现在开战有什么用?我们还没准备好。想办法拖一拖。
  As well bid me stop time. Do you take me for a wizard? 倒不如叫我暂停时间。你以为我是巫师?
  The other chuckled. No less. Flames licked at the cold air. The tall shadows were almost on top of her.  另一人呵呵笑道:我以为你的能耐绝对不输巫师。火焰舐着冷空气,高大的影子几乎就要投射到她身上。
  An instant later the man holding the torch climbed into her sight, his companion beside him.  几秒之后,持火把的人顺着楼梯进入她的视线范围,他的同伴跟在他身边。
  Arya crept back away from the well, dropped to her stomach, and flattened herself against the wall.  艾莉亚从井边爬开,趴下来,贴紧墙壁。
  She held her breath as the men reached the top of the steps. 眼看两人踏上楼梯顶端,她屏住了呼吸。
  What would you have me do? asked the torchbearer, a stout man in a leather half cape. Even in heavy boots, his feet seemed to glide soundlessly over the ground.  你要我怎么办?拿火把的人问。他是个身材粗壮的人,披着皮制的半身斗篷。虽然穿了厚重靴子,他的脚却仿佛无声地滑过路面。