冰与火之歌系列之《权力的游戏》第458期:第二十六章 艾莉亚(14)(在线收听

   She must have crept after them for miles. Finally they were gone, but there was no place to go but forward.  她一定爬了好几里。到最后,他们俩都不见了,而这里除了往上,无处可去。

  She found the wall again and followed, blind and lost, pretending that Nymeria was padding along beside her in the darkness.  她重新摸索,找到墙壁,在完全迷失方向的情况下,盲目地往前走,一边假装黑暗中娜梅莉亚正跟在自己身边。
  At the end she was knee-deep in foul-smelling water, wishing she could dance upon it as Syrio might have, and wondering if she'd ever see light again.  走到尽头,她发现自己身陷及膝深、散发出恶臭的水里,她一边希望自己能像西利欧一样在水面轻舞,一边心想不知何时才能重见天日。
  It was full dark when finally Arya emerged into the night air. 等艾莉亚走入夜空之下时,天已经全黑。
  She found herself standing at the mouth of a sewer where it emptied into the river.  她发现自己正站在下水道与河流相连的出水口。
  She stank so badly that she stripped right there, dropping her soiled clothing on the riverbank as she dove into the deep black waters.  一身臭得要命,她干脆当场脱光,把脏衣服丢在河岸,潜入深深的黑水里,
  She swam until she felt clean, and crawled out shivering.  游啊游,直到她觉得舒适干净,这才颤抖着爬上岸。
  Some riders went past along the river road as Arya was washing her clothes, but if they saw the scrawny naked girl scrubbing her rags in the moonlight, they took no notice. 艾莉亚洗衣服时,有几个人骑马经过河滨道路,但就算他们看到了干巴巴的小女孩赤裸着身子,就着月光搓洗破烂不堪的衣服,也没特别在意。
  She was miles from the castle, but from anywhere in King's Landing you needed only to look up to see the Red Keep high on Aegon's Hill, so there was no danger of losing her way. 她离城堡有好几里之遥,但不管身在君临的何地,只需一抬头便可看见那高高端坐于伊耿丘陵上的红堡,所以她不怕迷路。
  Her clothes were almost dry by the time she reached the gatehouse. The portcullis was down and the gates barred, so she turned aside to a postern door.  等她抵达城门,身上的衣服已干得差不多。铁闸早已降下,大门也上了闩,她不得不转向边门。
  The gold cloaks who had the watch sneered when she told them to let her in. “Off with you,” one said.  当她吩咐他们让她进去时,守门的金袍卫士冷笑一声。快滚罢,其中一人说,
  The kitchen scraps are gone, and we'll have no begging after dark. 厨房的剩菜已经没了,天黑后不准乞讨。