冰与火之歌系列之《权力的游戏》第461期:第二十六章 艾莉亚(17)(在线收听

   A wizard, said Ned, unsmiling. Did he have a long white beard and tall pointed hat speckled with stars? 巫师,奈德皮笑肉不笑地说,那他有没有长长的白胡子和镶满星星的尖帽子呢?

  No! It wasn't like Old Nan's stories. He didn't look like a wizard, but the fat one said he was. 没有!不像老奶妈的故事里那样。他看起来不像巫师,可胖的那个说他是。
  I warn you, Arya, if you're spinning this thread of air... 艾莉亚,我警告你,如果你这是在编故事…
  No, I told you, it was in the dungeons, by the place with the secret wall. I was chasing cats, and well. 我没有,我跟你说了嘛,就是在地城那里,在秘密墙旁边。我本来在抓猫,结果…
  She screwed up her face. If she admitted knocking over Prince Tommen, he would be really angry with her. well, I went in this window. That's where I found the monsters. 她皱起脸,如果她说出撞倒托曼王子的事,他不气死才怪,到时候可就较真了。……呃,反正我跑到一扇窗子边,我就是在那里发现怪兽的。
  Monsters and wizards, her father said. It would seem you've had quite an adventure. These men you heard, you say they spoke of juggling and mummery? 先是巫师,现在又是怪兽,父亲说,看来这场冒险还真精彩。你听到这些人说什么,你说他们会变戏法和演戏?
  Yes, Arya admitted, only... 是啊,艾莉亚承认,可是—
  Arya, they were mummers, her father told her. There must be a dozen troupes in King's Landing right now, come to make some coin off the tourney crowds.  艾莉亚,他们是戏班里的人,父亲告诉她,这会儿君临大概有十来个戏班,想借着比武大会的人潮赚点钱呢。
  I'm not certain what these two were doing in the castle, but perhaps the king has asked for a show. 我不清楚这两个人在城里做什么,但说不定是国王请他们来表演的。
  No. She shook her head stubbornly. They weren't... 不是啦,她固执地摇头,他们不是—
  You shouldn't be following people about and spying on them in any case. Nor do I cherish the notion of my daughter climbing in strange windows after stray cats.  更何况你一开始就不该跟踪别人、偷听他们说话,我也不喜欢自己女儿爬怪窗子抓流浪猫。
  Look at you, sweetling. Your arms are covered with scratches. This has gone on long enough. Tell Syrio Forel that I want a word with hirn... 亲爱的,看看你这样子,满手都是抓伤。不能再这样下去。告诉西利欧·佛瑞尔,我要跟他谈—
  He was interrupted by a short, sudden knock. Lord Eddard, pardons, Desmond called out, opening the door a crack, but there's a black brother here begging audience.  一阵短促的敲门声打断了他的话。艾德大人,很抱歉打搅。戴斯蒙叫道,把门打开一条小缝。外面有个黑衣弟兄求见,
  He says the matter is urgent. I thought you would want to know. 说有要紧事相告。我想跟您通报一声。