冰与火之歌系列之《权力的游戏》第492期:第二十七章 艾德(29)(在线收听

   Mya Stone, if it please you, my lady, the girl said. 夫人高兴的话,叫我米亚·石东就行。女孩道。

  It did not please her; it was an effort for Catelyn to keep the smile on her face.  她听了却不高兴。凯特琳好不容易才维持住脸上笑容。
  Stone was a bastard's name in the Vale, as Snow was in the north, and Flowers in Highgarden; in each of the Seven Kingdoms, custom had fashioned a surname for children born with no names of their own.  石东是艾林谷私生孩子的姓,正如北方的雪诺,高庭的佛花。依照习俗,七大王国各有专门给没爹的孩子用的姓。
  Catelyn had nothing against this girl, but suddenly she could not help but think of Ned's bastard on the Wall, and the thought made her angry and guilty, both at once.  凯特琳对这女孩本身并无恶感,只是不免突然想到奈德那正驻守长城的私生子,这个念头让她羞愤交加。
  She struggled to find words for a reply. 她挣扎着找话回应。
  Lord Nestor filled the silence. Mya's a clever girl, and if she vows she will bring you safely to the Lady Lysa, I believe her.  奈斯特男爵填补了沉默。米亚是个机灵的孩子,她起誓会把您安全地带到莱莎夫人那边,我相信她。
  She has not failed me yet. 她从没教我失望过。
  Then I put myself in your hands, Mya Stone, Catelyn said. Lord Nestor, I charge you to keep a close guard on my prisoner. 既然如此,米亚·石东,我就把自己交到你手中了。凯特琳道,奈斯特大人,还请您严加看管我的犯人。
  And I charge you to bring the prisoner a cup of wine and a nicely crisped capon, before he dies of hunger, Lannister said.  也请您给这位犯人弄杯酒,来只香酥烤鸡,免得他饿死。
  A girl would be pleasant as well, but I suppose that's too much to ask of you.  兰尼斯特道,饭后有个女孩乐乐更好,怕只怕我要求得太多了。
  The sellsword Bronn laughed aloud. 佣兵波隆听了哈哈大笑。
  Lord Nestor ignored the banter. As you say, my lady, so it will be done.  奈斯特男爵没理会他的嘲弄。夫人,就照您吩咐,一切悉听尊愿。
  Only then did he look at the dwarf.  然后他才看看侏儒。
  See our lord of Lannister to a tower cell, and bring him meat and mead. 把兰尼斯特大人送进塔上的监狱,帮他张罗酒肉。