冰与火之歌系列之《权力的游戏》第498期:第二十七章 艾德(35)(在线收听

   I'll come back for you, Mya said. Don't move, my lady. 我这就过来,米亚道,夫人,您站在那儿别动。

  Moving was about the last thing Catelyn was about to do.  此刻凯特琳最不会做的就是乱动。
  She listened to the skirling of the wind and the scuffling sound of leather on stone.  她听着风声呼啸,以及皮革在石头上发出的摩擦,
  Then Mya was there, taking her gently by the arm. Keep your eyes closed if you like.  随后米亚就来了,轻轻地牵起她的手。您怕的话,闭上眼睛就好。
  Let go of the rope now, Whitey will take care of himself. Very good, my lady. I'll lead you over, it's easy, you'll see. Give me a step now.  绳子可以放开,小白自己会走。很好,夫人。我带您过去,您看吧,没什么大不了。走一步试试看,
  That's it, move your foot, just slide it forward.  就是这样,动动您的脚,往前滑就对了,
  See. Now another. Easy. You could run across. Another one, go on. Yes.  看,挺简单吧?再来一步,
  And so, foot by foot, step by step, the bastard girl led Catelyn across, blind and trembling, while the white mule followed placidly behind them. 慢慢来,路这么宽,您都可以跑哩。再来一步,再来。对了。私生女孩就这样一步一步带着闭起眼睛,颤抖不已的凯特琳走过危崖,那头白骡子则慢悠悠地跟在后面。
  The waycastle called Sky was no more than a high, crescent-shaped wall of unmortared stone raised against the side of the mountain,  长天堡不过是一道新月形状,沿着山壁用粗石堆砌而成的高耸城墙,但凯特琳·史塔克却觉得,
  but even the topless towers of Valyria could not have looked more beautiful to Catelyn Stark. Here at last the snow crown began;  即便傲立云霄的瓦雷利亚通天塔也没这般美丽。雪线由此开始,
  Sky's weathered stones were rimed with frost, and long spears of ice hung from the slopes above. 长天堡历尽沧桑的城墙处处结霜,其上的斜坡挂满了长长的冰柱。
  Dawn was breaking in the east as Mya Stone hallooed for the guards,  米亚·石东向守卫打过招呼,城门便在她们面前打开,
  and the gates opened before them. Inside the walls there was only a series of ramps and a great tumble of boulders and stones of all sizes.  此时东方已经渐露曙光。城墙背后是一连串的坡道,各种大小的岩石摇摇欲坠,这里无疑便是全世界最容易山崩的地方了。