冰与火之歌系列之《权力的游戏》第507期:第二十七章 艾德(44)(在线收听

   She does. Eddard Stark had touched the baby's fine, dark hair. It flowed through his fingers like black silk.  的确很像。艾德·史塔克已经摸过婴儿柔细的深色头发,发丝有如黑丝滑过他的手指。

  Robert's firstborn had had the same fine hair, he seemed to recall. 他隐约记得,劳勃的第一个孩子也有着同样的纤细黑发。
  Tell him that when you see him, milord, as it...as it please you. Tell him how beautiful she is. 大人,您见到他的时候,如果您高兴的话…请您告诉他,告诉他她有多漂亮。
  I will, Ned had promised her. That was his curse. Robert would swear undying love and forget them before evenfall, but Ned Stark kept his vows.  我会的。奈德答应她。这是他的命。劳勃可以誓言真爱不渝,然后在天黑以前就忘得一干二净,然而奈德·史塔克信守承诺。
  He thought of the promises he'd made Lyanna as she lay dying, and the price he'd paid to keep them. 他想起莱安娜临终之际他所许下的承诺,以及为了遵守誓言付出的种种代价。
  And tell him I've not been with no one else. I swear it, milord, by the old gods and new.  请告诉他我没跟过其他人。大人,我以新神与旧神之名起誓。
  Chataya said I could have half a year, for the baby, and for hoping he'd come back.  莎塔雅说我可以将养半年,照顾孩子,同时看他会不会回来。
  So you'll tell him I'm waiting, won't you? I don't want no jewels or nothing, just him.  所以请您告诉他我在等他,好不好?我不要金银珠宝,我只要他的人。
  He was always good to me, truly. 他对我一直很好,真的。
  Good to you, Ned thought hollowly. I will tell him, child, and I promise you, Barra shall not go wanting. 对你很好,奈德的思绪好空虚。孩子,我会告诉他的。我向你保证,芭拉永不会愁吃愁穿。
  She had smiled then, a smile so tremulous and sweet that it cut the heart out of him.  听到这话,她笑了,笑得很害怕,却又很甜,看得他心如刀割。
  Riding through the rainy night, Ned saw Jon Snow's face in front of him, so like a younger version of his own.  骑马走在雨夜,奈德看见琼恩·雪诺的脸出现在眼前,几乎就是年轻时的自己。
  If the gods frowned so on bastards, he thought dully, why did they fill men with such lusts? Lord Baelish, what do you know of Robert's bastards? 倘若众神如此厌恶私生儿,他闷闷地想,那么又为何要让男人充满欲望?贝里席大人,你对劳勃的私生子女所知多少?
  Well, he has more than you, for a start. 这个嘛,从最简单的说起,他生得比你多。
  How many? 多多少?