冰与火之歌系列之《权力的游戏》第509期:第二十七章 艾德(46)(在线收听

   The short man gave a sodden shrug. He was the King's Hand. Doubtless Robert asked him to see that they were provided for. 浑身湿透的矮个子耸耸肩。他是御前首相,想必劳勃要他代为照顾吧。

  Ned was soaked through to the bone, and his soul had grown cold. It had to be more than that, or why kill him? 奈德被雨淋湿到骨子里去,他的心整个凉了。一定不止这样,否则干嘛杀他?
  Littlefinger shook the rain from his hair and laughed. Now I see.  小指头甩开头发上的雨珠,笑道:原来如此。
  Lord Arryn learned that His Grace had filled the bellies of some whores and fishwives, and for that he had to be silenced.  想必是因为艾林大人知道国王陛下把一堆妓女和渔姑肚子搞大的底细,不得已只好将他灭口。
  Small wonder. Allow a man like that to live, and next he's like to blurt out that the sun rises in the east. 这也难怪,若让这种人活下去,下次他就要说太阳从东边出来啰。
  There was no answer Ned Stark could give to that but a frown. For the first time in years, he found himself remembering Rhaegar Targaryen.  奈德·史塔克想不出如何回答,只有皱眉。这么多年来,他发现自己头一遭回忆起雷加·坦格利安。
  He wondered if Rhaegar had frequented brothels; somehow he thought not. 他很好奇雷加是否也常光顾妓院,不知为什么,他相信没有。
  The rain was falling harder now, stinging the eyes and drumming against the ground.  雨势转大,刺痛他的双眼,轰然敲打地面。
  Rivers of black water were running down the hill when Jory called out, My lord, his voice hoarse with alarm.  黑色的浊流从丘陵往下倾泻,这时乔里喊道:老爷!他嘶哑的声音里带着警觉。
  And in an instant, the street was full of soldiers. 转眼间,街道上满满的都是兵士。
  Ned glimpsed ringmail over leather, gauntlets and greaves, steel helms with golden lions on the crests.  奈德瞥见他们皮衣外罩着环甲、铁手套和护膝,戴着金狮修饰的钢盔,
  Their cloaks clung to their backs, sodden with rain.  被雨浸湿的披风紧紧贴在背上。
  He had no time to count, but there were ten at least, a line of them, on foot, blocking the street, with longswords and iron-tipped spears.  他无暇细数,但起码有十个,排成一列,徒步挡住去路,手持长剑和铁枪。
  Behind! he heard Wyl cry, and when he turned his horse, there were more in back of them, cutting off their retreat.  后面!他听见韦尔大喊,他调转马头,发现后面有更多人,切断了他们的退路。
  Jory's sword came singing from its scabbard. Make way or die! 乔里的剑铮地一声出鞘。挡路者死!