冰与火之歌系列之《权力的游戏》第510期:第二十七章 艾德(47)(在线收听

   The wolves are howling, their leader said. Ned could see rain running down his face. Such a small pack, though. 狼在叫了。对方的领队说。奈德可以看见雨水流下他的脸庞。可惜是小小一群。

  Littlefinger walked his horse forward, step by careful step. What is the meaning of this? This is the Hand of the King. 小指头小心翼翼地策马向前。你这是什么意思?这可是国王的首相。
  He was the Hand of the King. The mud muffled the hooves of the blood bay stallion. The line parted before him. On a golden breastplate, the lion of Lannister roared its defiance. Now, if truth be told, I'm not sure what he is. 国王的前任首相。泥泞模糊了枣红骏马的蹄声,面前的士兵分成两列,金盔金甲的兰尼斯特雄狮桀骜不驯地吼道。至于现在嘛,说实话,我不知道他算老几。
  Lannister, this is madness, Littlefinger said. Let us pass. We are expected back at the castle. What do you think you're doing? 兰尼斯特,你疯了不成?小指头道,快让我们过去,我们该回城了。你到底想干什么?
  He knows what he's doing, Ned said calmly. 他很清楚自己在干什么。奈德平静地说。
  Jaime Lannister smiled. Quite true. I'm looking for my brother.  詹姆·兰尼斯特微笑道:此话不假。我在找我老弟。
  You remember my brother, don't you, Lord Stark? He was with us at Winterfell. Fair-haired, mismatched eyes, sharp of tongue. A short man. 史塔克大人,您还记得我弟弟吧,是不是?我们到临冬城去的时候,他还跟我们一道呢。金头发,大小眼,舌头利,个子矮。
  I remember him well, Ned replied. 我记得非常清楚。奈德回答。
  It would seem he has met some trouble on the road. My lord father is quite vexed. You would not perchance have any notion of who might have wished my brother ill, would you? 他似乎在半路上碰到点麻烦。家父为此甚感焦虑。您该不会又正巧知道谁想对我弟弟不利吧,是不是?
  Your brother has been taken at my command, to answer for his crimes, Ned Stark said. 令弟乃是在我的命令下遭到逮捕,以为其罪行负责。
  Littlefinger groaned in dismay. My lords... 小指头沮丧地呻吟道:两位大人—
  Ser Jaime ripped his longsword from its sheath and urged his stallion forward. Show me your steel, Lord Eddard.  詹姆爵士自鞘里拔出长剑,踢马向前。拔剑罢,艾德大人。
  I'll butcher you like Aerys if I must, but I'd sooner you died with a blade in your hand. 虽然我恨不得像杀伊里斯那样宰了你,但我宁愿你死的时候手里拿着武器。
  He gave Littlefinger a cool, contemptuous glance. Lord Baelish, I'd leave here in some haste if I did not care to get bloodstains on my costly clothing. 他冰冷而轻蔑地看了小指头一眼。贝里席大人,若你不想身上的漂亮衣服沾上血迹,我建议你尽快离开。