冰与火之歌系列之《权力的游戏》第513期:第二十七章 艾德(50)(在线收听

   When he opened his eyes again, Lord Eddard Stark was alone with his dead.  当艾德·史塔克公爵再度睁眼时,身边只剩死人。

  His horse moved closer, caught the rank scent of blood, and galloped away.  他的坐骑靠了过来,闻到浓厚的血腥味,便又拔腿跑开。
  Ned began to drag himself through the mud, gritting his teeth at the agony in his leg.  奈德拖着身子爬过泥泞,腿部传来的剧痛疼得他咬紧牙关。
  It seemed to take years. Faces watched from candlelit windows, and people began to emerge from alleys and doors, but no one moved to help. 他爬啊爬,仿佛花了好多年。一张张脸从透着烛光的窗户边探出来,居民渐渐从小巷和房屋内走出,但没有人伸出援手。
  Littlefinger and the City Watch found him there in the street, cradling Jory Cassel's body in his arms. 当小指头和都城守卫队找到他时,他坐在街上,怀中抱着乔里·凯索的尸体。
  Somewhere the gold cloaks found a litter, but the trip back to the castle was a blur of agony, and Ned lost consciousness more than once.  金袍卫士不知从哪儿弄来了担架。回城堡的路上奈德痛得睁不开眼,几度失去意识。
  He remembered seeing the Red Keep looming ahead of him in the first grey light of dawn.  他记得在灰蒙蒙的晨光之中,红堡耸立在面前。
  The rain had darkened the pale pink stone of the massive walls to the color of blood. 大雨把原本粉白的石造城墙染成一片血红。
  Then Grand Maester Pycelle was looming over him, holding a cup, whispering, Drink, my lord. Here. The milk of the poppy, for your pain.  随后,派席尔大学士突然出现在身边,手拿杯子,轻声说:大人,把这喝了。来,这是罂粟花奶,可以为您止痛。
  He remembered swallowing, and Pycelle was telling someone to heat the wine to boiling and fetch him clean silk, and that was the last he knew. 他记得自己喝了下去,接着派席尔吩咐某人把葡萄酒煮沸,再拿条干净毛巾。之后,他就什么也听不见了。
  The Horse Gate of Vaes Dothrak was made of two gigantic bronze stallions, rearing, their hooves meeting a hundred feet above the roadway to form a pointed arch. 维斯·多斯拉克的马门乃是两匹巨大的青铜骏马,后足站立,前脚高跃,四蹄相会于离路面百余尺的高空,形成一个尖顶圆弧。