冰与火之歌系列之《权力的游戏》第518期:第二十七章 艾德(55)(在线收听

   Ser Jorah snorted. Viserys could not sweep a stable with ten thousand brooms. 乔拉爵士哼了一声。给韦赛里斯一万把扫把,他也没法把一座马厩打扫干净。

  Dany could not pretend to surprise at the disdain in his tone. What...what if it were not Viserys? she asked.  对他的轻蔑口吻,丹妮实在是不能佯作吃惊。那……那如果不是韦赛里斯呢?
  If it were someone else who led them? Someone stronger? Could the Dothraki truly conquer the Seven Kingdoms? 她问,如果换个人?换个更强的人领军呢?多斯拉克人果真能征服七国吗?
  Ser Jorah's face grew thoughtful as their horses trod together down the godsway.  他们继续沿着诸神大道走下去,乔拉爵士则陷入沉思。
  When I first went into exile, I looked at the Dothraki and saw half-naked barbarians, as wild as their horses.  当初刚遭放逐,我也是把多斯拉克人视为衣不蔽体、跟他们的马同样野性难驯的化外蛮子。
  If you had asked me then, Princess, I should have told you that a thousand good knights would have no trouble putting to flight a hundred times as many Dothraki. 公主殿下,若那时候您问起我这个问题,我会毫不犹豫地告诉您只需一千名训练有素的骑士,便足以使上百倍的多斯拉克人抱头鼠窜。
  But if I asked you now? 现在呢?
  Now, the knight said, I am less certain. They are better riders than any knight, utterly fearless, and their bows outrange ours.  现在的话,骑士道,我就不敢确定。他们的马术胜过任何骑士,天不怕地不怕,弓箭的射程也远超过我们。
  In the Seven Kingdoms, most archers fight on foot, from behind a shieldwall or a barricade of sharpened stakes.  七国的弓箭手多半徒步,躲在盾牌围成的墙壁或是削尖的木桩做成的工事后面。
  The Dothraki fire from horseback, charging or retreating, it makes no matter, they are full as deadly...and there are so many of them, my lady.  多斯拉克人却是骑马射箭,无论冲锋撤退都行动自如。
  Your lord husband alone counts forty thousand mounted warriors in his khalasar. 公主殿下,他们非常危险…而他们的数量也同样惊人。您夫君大人的卡拉萨足足拥有四万骑马战士。
  Is that truly so many? 四万人真的很多?
  Your brother Rhaegar brought as many men to the Trident, Ser Jorah admitted, but of that number, no more than a tenth were knights.  当年您哥哥雷加,便是带着这么多人到三叉戟河作战,乔拉爵士说,但其中只有不到十分之一是骑士,
  The rest were archers, freeriders, and foot soldiers armed with spears and pikes.  其余都是流浪骑手、弓箭手,以及拿枪矛的步兵。