冰与火之歌系列之《权力的游戏》第520期:第二十七章 艾德(57)(在线收听

   Khal Drogo and his bloodriders led them through the great bazaar of the Western Market, down the broad ways beyond.  卓戈卡奥和他的血盟卫领着大队人马穿过络绎熙攘的城西市集,沿着宽阔的大道行进。

  Dany followed close on her silver, staring at the strangeness about her.  丹妮骑着银马,紧随在旁,睁大眼睛看着周遭的奇异风光。
  Vaes Dothrak was at once the largest city and the smallest that she had ever known.  维斯多斯拉克既是她生平所见最大的城市,却也称得上最小的一座。
  She thought it must be ten times as large as Pentos, a vastness without walls or limits, its broad windswept streets paved in grass and mud and carpeted with wildflowers.  依她判断,这座城占地面积大概有十个潘托斯那么大,既无城墙亦无边际,饱经风沙吹拂的宽广街道上铺着青草和泥土,野花则如地毯般覆盖其上。
  In the Free Cities of the west, towers and manses and hovels and bridges and shops and halls all crowded in on one another, but Vaes Dothrak sprawled languorously, baking in the warm sun, ancient, arrogant, and empty. 在西方的自由贸易城邦,塔楼、豪宅、房舍、桥梁、店铺和厅堂统统拥挤一块,而维斯多斯拉克却是慵懒地延展四方,沐浴在暖阳下,显得古老、傲慢而空虚。
  Even the buildings were so queer to her eyes.  就连各种建筑,在她眼里也显得古怪。
  She saw carved stone pavilions, manses of woven grass as large as castles, rickety wooden towers, stepped pyramids faced with marble, log halls open to the sky.  她看到雕满花纹的石头营帐,如城堡般大的草织宅邸,摇摇欲坠的木造楼塔,大理石砌的阶状金字塔,以及屋顶开敞、直面天际的木材殿堂。
  In place of walls, some palaces were surrounded by thorny hedges.  有些宫殿更以荆棘篱笆来取代围墙。
  None of them are alike, she said. 它们长得通通都不一样。她说。
  Your brother had part of the truth, Ser Jorah admitted.  您哥哥说得倒也没错,乔拉爵士坦承,
  The Dothraki do not build.  多斯拉克人的确不事建筑。
  A thousand years ago, to make a house, they would dig a hole in the earth and cover it with a woven grass roof.  一千年前,他们所谓的盖房子,便是在地上挖个大坑,然后铺上草织屋顶。
  The buildings you see were made by slaves brought here from lands they've plundered, and they built each after the fashion of their own peoples. 您在这里看到的建筑,都是他们从别处掳来的奴隶盖的。不用说,那些奴隶自然是依照各地的风土民情去修筑了。