冰与火之歌系列之《权力的游戏》第554期:第二十七章 布兰(26)(在线收听

   Little Lord Robert hopped to his feet at that, so upset he dropped his doll. You can't hurt us, he screamed.  一听这话,小劳勃公爵跳将起来,气得连玩偶都丢了。你不能对我们怎样,他尖叫,

  No one can hurt us here. Tell him, Mother, tell him he can't hurt us here. The boy began to twitch. 没有人敢在这里乱来。妈咪,你告诉他,跟他说谁也别想来这里撒野。小男孩开始浑身痉挛。
  The Eyrie is impregnable, Lysa Arryn declared calmly. She drew her son close, holding him safe in the circle of her plump white arms.  没有人能攻破鹰巢城。莱莎·艾林冷静地宣布。她把儿子拉过去,用她丰满白皙的臂膀抱住他。
  The Imp is trying to frighten us, sweet baby. The Lannisters are all liars. No one will hurt my sweet boy. 小宝贝,小恶魔只是虚张声势,兰尼斯特家的人通通是骗子。谁也别想欺负我的小亲亲。
  The hell of it was, she was no doubt right. Having seen what it took to get here, Tyrion could well imagine how it would be for a knight trying to fight his way up in armor, while stones and arrows poured down from above and enemies contested with him for every step.  她虽然可恶,但说得的确没错。亲眼目睹这里的险要地势之后,提利昂可以想像叫全副武装的骑士,冒着从山上倾注而下的落石箭雨,每走一步阶梯还得对付迎面而来的敌人,会是件多么困难的事。
  Nightmare did not begin to describe it. Small wonder the Eyrie had never been taken. 说那是场梦魇,恐怕还不足以形容,难怪鹰巢城自古以来从未陷落。
  Still, Tyrion had been unable to silence himself. Not impregnable, he said, merely inconvenient. 即使这样,提利昂的舌头还是停不下来。不是攻不破,他说,而是不太好攻破。
  Young Robert pointed down, his hand trembling. You're a liar. Mother, I want to see him fly.  小劳勃伸出颤抖的手指着他:你是个骗子。妈咪,我想看他飞。
  Two guardsmen in sky-blue cloaks seized Tyrion by the arms, lifting him off his floor. 两个穿天蓝色披风的卫士抓住提利昂双手,把他架离地面。
  The gods only know what might have happened then were it not for Catelyn Stark.  若不是凯特琳·史塔克,恐怕只有天上诸神才知道接下来会发生什么。
  Sister, she called out from where she stood below the thrones, I beg you to remember, this man is my prisoner. I will not have him harmed. 妹妹,她站在王座下方,朝莱莎喊,请你记得,他是我的犯人,请不要伤害他。