冰与火之歌系列之《权力的游戏》第555期:第二十七章 布兰(27)(在线收听

   Lysa Arryn glanced at her sister coolly for a moment, then rose and swept down on Tyrion, her long skirts trailing after her.  莱莎·艾林冷冷地看了她姐姐一会儿,然后起身走向提利昂,她的长裙拖在身后。

  For an instant he feared she would strike him, but instead she commanded them to release him.  他原本怕她会动手打人,但她却下令放开他。
  Her men shoved him to the floor, his legs went out from under him, and Tyrion fell. 两个卫士把提利昂丢到地上,他双脚扑空,摔倒在地。
  He must have made quite a sight as he struggled to his knees, only to feel his right leg spasm, sending him sprawling once more.  他出丑的模样想必难看得很;不料他正挣扎着要站起来,右脚竟然抽筋,结果再度瘫在地上。
  Laughter boomed up and down the High Hall of the Arryns. 艾林家的大厅里响起哄堂大笑。
  My sister's little guest is too weary to stand, Lady Lysa announced. Ser Vardis, take him down to the dungeon.  我姐姐的小客人累了,连站都站不稳。莱莎夫人宣布,瓦狄斯爵士,麻烦你带他到地牢去。
  A rest in one of our sky cells will do him much good. 在天上休息休息,想必对他的健康大有助益。
  The guardsmen jerked him upright. Tyrion Lannister dangled between them, kicking feebly, his face red with shame.  卫兵猛地把他拉起。提利昂·兰尼斯特在两人中间双脚悬空,虚弱地踢打,羞得满脸通红。
  I will remember this, he told them all as they carried him off. 咱们走着瞧。被架走前,他对全厅的人说。
  And so he did, for all the good it did him. 到目前为止,他还瞧不出有什么解决办法。
  At first he had consoled himself that this imprisonment could not last long. Lysa Arryn wanted to humble him, that was all.  起先他安慰自己,认为监禁不会太久。莱莎·艾林不过是想羞辱他。
  She would send for him again, and soon. If not her, then Catelyn Stark would want to question him.  她一定会很快再传他过去。就算她没有,凯特琳·史塔克也会来盘问他。
  This time he would guard his tongue more closely.  这次他会小心措辞、不乱说话。
  They dare not kill him out of hand; he was still a Lannister of Casterly Rock, and if they shed his blood, it would mean war.  他们不可能现在就杀他,再怎么说,他都是凯岩城的兰尼斯特家人,他们若敢杀他,便意味着开战。
  Or so he had told himself. 至少,他是这么告诉自己。