冰与火之歌系列之《权力的游戏》第562期:第二十七章 布兰(34)(在线收听

   Where to begin? I am a vile little man, I confess it.  该从何说起呢?我承认我是个小坏蛋。

  My crimes and sins are beyond counting, my lords and ladies.  各位老爷夫人,我犯下的罪过数不胜数。
  I have lain with whores, not once but hundreds of times.  我跟婊子睡过,不是一回而是好几百回。
  I have wished my own lord father dead, and my sister, our gracious queen, as well. 我曾暗自希望我父亲大人去死,也对我姐姐,亦即咱们美丽温柔的王后陛下,有过相同的念头。
  Behind him, someone chuckled. I have not always treated my servants with kindness. I have gambled.  身后传来轻笑,我有时候对下人们不太好。
  I have even cheated, I blush to admit.  我赌过钱,更教我脸红的是,我还耍老千。
  I have said many cruel and malicious things about the noble lords and ladies of the court.  我说过许多关于朝廷里高贵的老爷夫人们的坏话,开过他们许多下流玩笑。
  That drew outright laughter. Once I... 此话一出,众人哄堂大笑。有次我—
  Silence! Lysa Arryn’s pale round face had turned a burning pink. What do you imagine you are doing, dwarf? 住嘴!莱莎·艾林苍白的圆脸气得通红。侏儒,你以为你在干什么?
  Tyrion cocked his head to one side.  提利昂歪头:唉,
  Why, confessing my crimes, my lady... 我在认罪啊,夫人。
  Catelyn Stark took a step forward.  凯特琳·史塔克向前一步。
  You are accused of sending a hired knife to slay my son Bran in his bed, and of conspiring to murder Lord Jon Arryn, the Hand of the King. 你被控派人行刺我卧病在床的儿子布兰,以及密谋害死国王的首相,琼恩·艾林大人。
  Tyrion gave a helpless shrug.  提利昂爱莫能助地耸耸肩。
  Those crimes I cannot confess, I fear.  恐怕我没办法承认这些罪名。
  I know nothing of any murders. 我对杀人可是一窍不通。
  Lady Lysa rose from her weirwood throne.  莱莎夫人霍地从鱼梁木王座上站起。
  I will not be made mock of.  你别想寻我开心。
  You have had your little jape, Imp.  小恶魔,你闹也闹够了,
  I trust you enjoyed it.  想必你玩得很愉快。
  Ser Vardis, take him back to the dungeon...but this time find him a smaller cell, with a floor more sharply sloped. 瓦狄斯爵士,带他回地牢…这次找个房间更小,地板更斜的给他。