冰与火之歌系列之《权力的游戏》第569期:第二十七章 布兰(41)(在线收听

   Lord Eddard, Lyanna called again. 艾德大人。莱安娜又叫。

  I promise, he whispered. Lya, I promise... 我保证,他轻声说,莱安,我保证…
  Lord Eddard, a man echoed from the dark. 艾德大人。有人从暗处也说了这句话。
  Groaning, Eddard Stark opened his eyes.  艾德·史塔克呻吟着睁开眼睛。
  Moonlight streamed through the tall windows of the Tower of the Hand. 月光从首相塔的高窗透进来。
  Lord Eddard? A shadow stood over the bed. 艾德大人?床边站了个影子。
  How...how long? The sheets were tangled, his leg splinted and plastered.  多…多久了?床单乱成一团,他的腿用夹板固定,
  A dull throb of pain shot up his side. 打上了石膏,隐隐抽痛。
  Six days and seven nights. The voice was Vayon Poole's.  六天七夜。那是维扬·普尔的声音。
  The steward held a cup to Ned's lips.  总管拿起杯子送到奈德唇边。
  Drink, my lord.What... 老爷,喝吧。这是…?
  Only water. Maester Pycelle said you would be thirsty. 只是开水而已。派席尔大学士说您醒来会渴。
  Ned drank. His lips were parched and cracked. The water tasted sweet as honey. 于是奈德喝了。他的嘴唇干裂,开水如同蜂蜜般甜美。
  The king left orders, Vayon Poole told him when the cup was empty.  国王陛下有令,杯子见底后,维扬·普尔告诉他。
  He would speak with you, my lord. 老爷,他要跟您谈谈。
  On the morrow, Ned said. When I am stronger.  明天再说,奈德道,等我体力好点再说。
  He could not face Robert now.  这会儿他无法面对劳勃。
  The dream had left him weak as a kitten. 刚才那个梦吸走了他仅存的力量,让他软弱得像只小猫。
  My lord, Poole said, he commanded us to send you to him the moment you opened your eyes.  老爷,普尔说,陛下他要我们等您一睁眼,就带您去见他。
  The steward busied himself lighting a bedside candle. 总管点起床边的蜡烛。
  Ned cursed softly. Robert was never known for his patience.  奈德轻声咒骂。劳勃向来很没耐性。
  Tell him I'm too weak to come to him.  跟他说我还太虚弱,没办法过去。
  If he wishes to speak with me, I should be pleased to receive him here.  如果他坚持要跟我谈谈,我很愿意在床上接待他。
  I hope you wake him from a sound sleep.  我希望你别把他从美梦中吵醒。
  And summon...He was about to say Jory when he remembered.  顺便…他正要说乔里,却想了起来。
  Summon the captain of my guard. 把我的侍卫队长找来。