冰与火之歌系列之《权力的游戏》第584期:第二十七章 凯特琳(6)(在线收听

   A wooden platform had been built to elevate Robert's chair;  劳勃坐在高高的椅子上,座位下方搭了个木台,

  there the Lord of the Eyrie sat, giggling and clapping his hands as a humpbacked puppeteer in blue-and-white motley made two wooden knights hack and slash at each other.  眼前有个穿着蓝白弄臣服的驼背木偶师,正操纵两个木头骑士相互砍杀,逗得鹰巢城公爵咯咯直笑,不停鼓掌。
  Pitchers of thick cream and baskets of blackberries had been set out, and the guests were sipping a sweet orange-scented wine from engraved silver cups.  阳台上摆了一罐罐浓乳酪,以及一篮篮黑莓,宾客们正手拿雕花银杯,啜饮一种掺了橙香的甜葡萄酒。
  A fool's festival, Brynden had called it, and small wonder. 傻瓜过节,难怪布林登这么说。
  Across the terrace, Lysa laughed gaily at some jest of Lord Hunter's, and nibbled a blackberry from the point of Ser Lyn Corbray's dagger.  阳台上,杭特伯爵说了个笑话,引得莱莎开怀大笑,然后她又从林恩·科布瑞爵士的匕首上咬过一颗黑莓。
  They were the suitors who stood highest in Lysa's favor...today, at least.  众位追求者中,便数他俩最得莱莎欢心…至少,今天的情形是如此。
  Catelyn would have been hard-pressed to say which man was more unsuitable.  若问凯特琳他们谁比较不适合,她还真无从答起。
  Eon Hunter was even older than Jon Arryn had been, half-crippled by gout, and cursed with three quarrelsome sons, each more grasping than the last.  伊恩·杭特的年纪比琼恩·艾林更大,害了痛风,走起路来有些跛,膝下还有三个争吵不休的儿子,一个比一个贪婪。
  Ser Lyn was a different sort of folly; lean and handsome, heir to an ancient but impoverished house, but vain, reckless, hot-tempered...and, it was whispered, notoriously uninterested in the intimate charms of women. 林恩爵士则是另一番荒唐相,他苗条英俊,是古老而衰败的科布瑞家族的继承人,但他性好虚荣,脾气暴躁,行事又不加思考…有人更谣传,他对男文之间的亲密关系出了名的没兴趣。
  When Lysa espied Catelyn, she welcomed her with a sisterly embrace and a moist kiss on the cheek. 莱莎远远望见凯特琳,立即起身热情拥抱,还在她颊上印下湿湿一吻。
  Isn't it a lovely morning?  早上天气可真好,你说是不是?
  The gods are smiling on us.  天上诸神都在对我们微笑呢。
  Do try a cup of the wine, sweet sister. Lord Hunter was kind enough to send for it, from his own cellars. 亲爱的姐姐,快尝尝这酒,这是杭特大人特意从他自家酒窖里送来的。”