冰与火之歌系列之《权力的游戏》第587期:第二十七章 凯特琳(9)(在线收听

   He was planning to send the boy to Dragonstone for fostering, you know...oh, but I'm speaking out of turn.  事实上,他原本打算送这孩子去龙石岛做养子,您知道…唉,我这是说了不该说的话。

  The apple of his throat bobbed anxiously beneath the loose maester's chain.  他的喉结在松垂的学士锁链下方焦虑地起伏。
  I fear I've had too much of Lord Hunter's excellent wine.  恐怕我喝多了杭特大人的好酒。
  The prospect of bloodshed has my nerves all a-fray... 流血之事总教我紧张…
  You are mistaken, Maester, Catelyn said.  学士,你一定是弄错了,凯特琳道,
  It was Casterly Rock, not Dragonstone, and those arrangements were made after the Hand's death, without my sister's consent. 是凯岩城,不是龙石岛,而且还是首相死后,未经我妹妹同意安排的。
  The maester's head jerked so vigorously at the end of his absurdly long neck that he looked half a puppet himself.  学士的头猛地一抖,配上他长得出奇的脖子,看起来活像个木偶。
  No, begging your forgiveness, my lady, but it was Lord Jon who... 不,请您原谅,夫人,这是琼恩大人他自己—
  A bell tolled loudly below them. High lords and serving girls alike broke off what they were doing and moved to the balustrade.  他们下方铃声大作。贵族和侍女都不约而同放下手边的事,走到栏杆旁边。
  Below, two guardsmen in sky-blue cloaks led forth Tyrion Lannister.  台下,两名身着天蓝色披风的卫兵领着提利昂·兰尼斯特出来。
  The Eyrie's plump septon escorted him to the statue in the center of the garden, a weeping woman carved in veined white marble, no doubt meant to be Alyssa. 鹰巢城的臃肿修士伴他走到花园中央的石像旁。那是一座用带纹理的白色大理石雕刻出的、正在哭泣的女人,无疑便是阿莱莎。
  The bad little man, Lord Robert said, giggling.  小坏蛋来了,劳勃公爵咯咯笑道,
  Mother, can I make him fly? I want to see him fly. 妈咪,我可以让他飞了吗?我想看他飞。
  Later, my sweet baby, Lysa promised him. 再等一等,小宝贝。莱莎向他保证。
  Trial first, drawled Ser Lyn Corbray, then execution. 先审判,林恩·科布瑞爵士慢条斯理地说,再处决。
  A moment later the two champions appeared from opposite sides of the garden. The knight was attended by two young squires, the sellsword by the Eyrie's master-at-arms. 片刻之后,两名决斗者也从花园两边进场。骑士身边跟了两个年轻侍从,佣兵则由两位鹰巢城的士兵侍候。