冰与火之歌系列之《权力的游戏》第613期:第二十八章 提利昂(8)(在线收听

   "Jaime was all in a lather to hunt down the men. "当时詹姆一心只想逮着那两个人。

  It was not often outlaws dared prey on travelers so near to Casterly Rock, and he took it as an insult. 强盗居然敢在距离凯岩城这么近的地方攻击行人,这可不是件寻常事,他把这当成奇耻大辱。
  The girl was too frightened to send off by herself, though, 那女孩惊慌失措,不敢一个人走路,
  so I offered to take her to the closest inn and feed her while my brother rode back to the Rock for help. 于是我提议带她到附近的旅馆,弄点东西给她吃,而我老哥则回凯岩城讨救兵。”
  "She was hungrier than I would have believed. “她比我原先料想的更饿。
  We finished two whole chickens and part of a third, and drank a flagon of wine, talking. 我俩足足吃了两只半烤鸡,又喝干了一整壶酒,边吃边聊很愉快。
  I was only thirteen, and the wine went to my head, I fear. 那年我才十三岁,只怕一喝酒就乱了性。
  The next thing I knew, I was sharing her bed. 总之等我回过神来,已经跟她躺在床上。
  If she was shy, I was shyer. 她很害羞,但我更害羞,
  I’ll never know where I found the courage. 真不知我是打哪儿来的勇气?
  When I broke her maidenhead, she wept, 我给她开苞的时候她哭了,
  but afterward she kissed me and sang her little song, and by morning I was in love." 但事后她吻了我,然后悄声唱起那首歌,到第二天清晨,我已经爱上她了。”
  "You?" Bronn’s voice was amused. “你爱上她了?”波隆的语气听来饶富兴味。
  "Absurd, isn’t it?" Tyrion began to whistle the song again. “很可笑,对不对?”提利昂又哼起那首歌。
  "I married her," he finally admitted. “后来我还娶了她。”最后他终于承认。
  "A Lannister of Casterly Rock wed to a crofter’s daughter," Bronn said. “兰尼斯特家的人娶个农家女?”波隆说,
  "How did you manage that?" “真有你的。”
  "Oh, you’ d be astonished at what a boy can make of a few lies, fifty pieces of silver, and a drunken septon. “唉,讲几句谎话,口袋里装上五十枚银币,再找个喝醉酒的修士,一个小男孩能干些什么,说了你大概都不相信。
  I dared not bring my bride home to Casterly Rock, so I set her up in a cottage of her own, 我不敢把我的新娘带回凯岩城,就把她安顿在她自己的小屋里,
  and for a fortnight we played at being man and wife. 咱俩过了两个星期的夫妻生活。
  And then the septon sobered and confessed all to my lord father."  最后那修士酒醒,便把事情前后通通禀报给我公爵老爸。
  Tyrion was surprised at how desolate it made him feel to say it, even after all these years. ”过了这么多年,讲起这件事竟依旧让提利昂倍感孤寂,他实在大感意外。
  Perhaps he was just tired.  或许只是旅途困顿的关系罢。
  "That was the end of my marriage." “我的婚姻到此结束。”
  He sat up and stared at the dying fire, blinking at the light. 他坐起身,凝视着逐渐熄灭的篝火,就着光亮眨眼。