冰与火之歌系列之《权力的游戏》第619期:第二十九章 艾德(2)(在线收听

   Grand Maester Pycelle stirred uneasily beside him, while Littlefinger toyed with a pen. 他身旁的派席尔大学士坐立难安,小指头则摆弄着一枝笔。

  They were the only councillors in attendance. 列席的重臣只有他们几个。
  A white hart had been sighted in the kingswood, and Lord Renly and Ser Barristan had joined the king to hunt it, 前几天有人在御林里瞧见了一只白公鹿,蓝礼大人和巴利斯坦爵士便陪伴国王前去打猎,
  along with Prince Joffrey, Sandor Clegane, Balon Swann, and half the court. 同行的还有乔佛里王子、桑铎·克里冈、巴隆·史文以及半数廷臣。
  So Ned must needs sit the Iron Throne in his absence. 正因如此,奈德才不得不暂代劳勃坐在铁王座上处理国事。
  At least he could sit. Save the council, the rest must stand respectfully, or kneel. 好歹他还有椅子可坐。在王座厅里,除了王室家族和几位重臣,余人都得毕恭毕敬地或站或跪。
  The petitioners clustered near the tall doors, the knights and high lords and ladies beneath the tapestries, the smallfolk in the gallery, 前来请愿的人群聚大门边,骑士、贵族与仕女站在挂毯下,平民百姓则在走廊上,
  the mailed guards in their cloaks, gold or grey: all stood. 全副武装的卫兵肩披金色或灰色的披风,威严挺立。
  The villagers were kneeling: men, women, and children, alike tattered and bloody, their faces drawn by fear. 这群村民单膝下跪,不论男女老少,清一色衣着破烂,满身血污,脸上刻满了恐惧。
  The three knights who had brought them here to bear witness stood behind them. 带他们进来作证的三位骑士站在后面。
  "Brigands, Lord Varys?" Ser Raymun Darry's voice dripped scorn. “土匪?瓦里斯大人,”雷蒙·戴瑞爵士语透轻蔑。
  "Oh, they were brigands, beyond a doubt. Lannister brigands." “哼,说得好,他们当然是土匪了。兰尼斯特家的土匪。”
  Ned could feel the unease in the hall, as high lords and servants alike strained to listen. 奈德感觉得到大厅里的紧张气氛,在场人等不论出身高低,均屏息竖耳倾听。
  He could not pretend to surprise. 他很是吃惊。