冰与火之歌系列之《权力的游戏》第623期:第二十九章 艾德(6)(在线收听

   Even after three centuries, some were still sharp enough to cut. 虽然历经了三个世纪,其中有些刃叶依旧锋利逼人。

  The Iron Throne was full of traps for the unwary. 对粗心大意的人来说,铁王座称得上机关密布。
  The songs said it had taken a thousand blades to make it, heated white-hot in the furnace breath of Balerion the Black Dread. 歌谣里唱着当初花了一千把剑,经过黑死神贝勒里恩的烈焰加热熔解,方才铸成王座。
  The hammering had taken fifty-nine days. 敲敲打打前后总共花了五十九天,
  The end of it was this hunched black beast made of razor edges and barbs and ribbons of sharp metal; 最后的成品就是如今这座边缘如剃刀般锋利,无处不是倒钩和纠结的驼背黑怪物。
  a chair that could kill a man, and had, if the stories could be believed. 这张椅子可以杀人,倘若传说属实,还真的杀过。
  What Eddard Stark was doing sitting there he would never comprehend, 艾德·史塔克并不想坐上来,
  yet there he sat, and these people looked to him for justice. 但如今他高踞于此,而下面的人民前来请求他主持正义。
  "What proof do you have that these were Lannisters?" he asked, trying to keep his fury under control. “你们有何证据指明这些是兰尼斯特家族的人?”他问,同时努力压抑怒气。
  "Did they wear crimson cloaks or fly a lion banner?" “他们穿了红披风或打着狮子旗吗?”
  "Even Lannisters are not so blind stupid as that," Ser Marq Piper snapped. “即便兰尼斯特的人,也不至于蠢到这种地步。”马柯·派柏爵士斥道。
  He was a swaggering bantam rooster of a youth, 他是个脾气暴躁、有如好斗雄鸡的年轻人。
  too young and too hot-blooded for Ned’s taste, though a fast friend of Catelyn’s brother, Edmure Tully. 虽然在奈德看来,他历练太浅,又太过血气方刚,但他却是凯特琳的弟弟艾德慕·徒利的好友。
  "Every man among them was mounted and mailed, my lord," Ser Karyl answered calmly. “大人,他们个个骑着骏马身披铠甲,”卡列尔爵士冷静地回答,
  "They were armed with steel-tipped lances and longswords, with battle-axes for the butchering." “手中持有精钢长枪和宝剑,还有用来屠杀村民的战斧。
  He gestured toward one of the ragged survivors. ”他伸手指指这群衣衫褴褛的幸存者中的一人。
  "You. Yes, you, no one’s going to hurt you. Tell the Hand what you told me." “你,对,就是你,说出来没关系,把你跟我说的话都告诉首相大人。”