冰与火之歌系列之《权力的游戏》第630期:第二十九章 艾德(13)(在线收听

   Every eye in the hall was fixed on him, waiting. 大厅里的每一只眼睛都注视着他,凝神等待。

  Slowly Ned struggled to his feet, pushing himself up from the throne with the strength of his arms, 奈德缓缓地挣扎着站起来,两手全力撑住王座,
  his shattered leg screaming inside its cast. 断腿撕心裂肺地剧痛。
  He did his best to ignore the pain; it was no moment to let them see his weakness. 他尽一切所能不去注意疼痛,此刻千万不能在他们面前显示虚弱。
  "The First Men believed that the judge who called for death should wield the sword, and in the north we hold to that still. “先民认为判人死刑者应该亲自操刀,我们在北境依旧保留了这个传统。
  I mislike sending another to do my killing...yet it seems I have no choice." 我本不愿由他人代为执行……但看来我别无选择。
  He gestured at his broken leg. ”他指指自己的断腿。
  "Lord Eddard!" The shout came from the west side of the hall as a handsome stripling of a boy strode forth boldly. “艾德大人!”从大厅西侧传来一声喊叫,一名俊美的年轻男孩勇敢地向前走来。
  Out of his armor, Sir Loras Tyrell looked even younger than his sixteen years. 年仅十六的洛拉斯·提利尔爵士,脱去铠甲后愈发显得年轻。
  He wore pale blue silk, his belt a linked chain of golden roses, the sigil of his House. 他身穿浅蓝色丝衣,系着朵朵金玫瑰连缀而成的腰带。金玫瑰是他家族的纹章。
  "I beg you the honor of acting in your place. “我恳求您让我有幸代您出战。
  Give this task to me, my lord, and I swear I shall not fail you." 把这个任务交给我吧,大人,我发誓不会教您失望。”
  Littlefinger chuckled. "Sir Loras, if we send you off alone,  小指头轻笑。“洛拉斯爵士,如果我们单只派您去对付格雷果爵士,
  Sir Gregor will send us back your head with a plum stuffed in that pretty mouth of yours. 他八成会把您的头送回来,顺便塞颗李子在您那张漂亮的嘴里。
  The Mountain is not the sort to bend his neck to any man's justice." 魔山可不会乖乖地看在正义的份上束手就擒。”