冰与火之歌系列之《权力的游戏》第633期:第二十九章 艾德(16)(在线收听

   "How so, Lord Varys?" Ned asked brusquely.  “瓦里斯大人,此话怎讲?”奈德唐突地问。

  His leg was throbbing, and he was in no mood for word games. 他的断腿隐隐抽痛,此刻他没有心情玩文字游戏。
  "Had it been me up there, I should have sent Sir Loras.  “换做是我坐上面,我大概会派洛拉斯爵士去。
  He so wanted to go...and a man who has the Lannisters for his enemies would do well to make the Tyrells his friends." 瞧他那副跃跃欲试的模样……再说要与兰尼斯特为敌,还有什么能比拉拢提利尔家族更要紧呢?”
  "Sir Loras is young," said Ned. "I daresay he will outgrow the disappointment." “洛拉斯爵士还年轻,”奈德道,“我敢说他很快就会忘记这次失意。”
  "And Sir Ilyn?" The eunuch stroked a plump, powdered cheek. “那伊林爵士呢?”太监轻抚他搽过粉的肥胖脸颊。
  "He is the King's Justice, after all. Sending other men to do his office...some might construe that as a grave insult." “再怎么说,他到底是国王的执法官哪,叫别人去做他份内之事……可能会被解读成恶意侮辱哟。”
  "No slight was intended." In truth, Ned did not trust the mute knight, though perhaps that was only because he misliked executioners. “我并无冒犯之意。”老实说,奈德并不信任那位哑巴骑士,但归根到底,或许只是肇因于他对刽子手的嫌恶罢。
  "I remind you, the Paynes are bannermen to House Lannister. “容我提醒您,派恩家族世代是兰尼斯特臣属。
  I thought it best to choose men who owed Lord Tywin no fealty." 我认为选择并未对泰温大人宣誓效忠的人前去比较妥当。”
  "Very prudent, no doubt," Varys said. "Still, I chanced to see Sir Ilyn in the back of the hall, staring at us with those pale eyes of his, “您的作法毫无疑问非常谨慎,”瓦里斯道,“只是我碰巧看见伊林爵士站在大厅后面,张大那双苍白的眼睛瞪着我们,
  and I must say, he did not look pleased, though to be sure it is hard to tell with our silent knight. 我必须承认,他看起来委实不怎么高兴,虽然我们这位沉默寡言的骑士先生心里究竟在想些什么,原本就不易猜测。
  I hope he outgrows his disappointment as well.  我也希望他很快就会忘记这次失意。
  He does so love his work..." 他可是热爱着他的工作啊……”