冰与火之歌系列之《权力的游戏》第641期:第三十章 珊莎(8)(在线收听

   When she saw that the stain had bled through onto her underskirt, she began to sob despite herself. 这时她发现果汁已经渗进她的衬裙,于是再也无法遏制地啜泣起来。

  She ripped off the rest of her clothes wildly, threw herself into bed, and cried herself back to sleep. 她狂乱地把身上所有的衣物统统撕开,整个人扑倒在床,哭着直到睡着。
  It was midday when Septa Mordane knocked upon her door.  等茉丹修女来敲门,已是日正当中。
  "Sansa. Your lord father will see you now." “珊莎。你父亲大人现在要见你。”
  Sansa sat up. "Lady," she whispered. 珊莎坐起身。“淑女。”她悄声道。
  For a moment it was as if the direwolf was there in the room, looking at her with those golden eyes, sad and knowing. 有那么一会儿,冰原狼仿佛真的置身屋内,用那双金黄的眼睛凝视着她,哀伤却又善解人意。
  She had been dreaming, she realized. 她知道自己在做梦,
  Lady was with her, and they were running together, and... and... trying to remember was like trying to catch the rain with her fingers. 但她好想淑女在身边,与她一同奔跑,以及……以及……回忆的企图如同伸手盛接雨水。
  The dream faded, and Lady was dead again. 梦境逸去,淑女又是已死之身。
  Sansa. The rap came again, sharply. "Do you hear me?" “珊莎,”敲门声再度传来,这回相当急促。“你听见没有?”
  Yes, Septa, she called out. "Might I have a moment to dress, please?" “听见了,修女,”她喊,“能不能给我几分钟换衣服?”
  Her eyes were red from crying, but she did her best to make herself beautiful. 她虽然哭红了眼,还是尽力把自己打扮得美美的。
  Lord Eddard was bent over a huge leather-bound book when Septa Mordane marched her into the solar, 茉丹修女领她走进书房时,艾德公爵正埋首于一本皮革封面的大书中。
  his plaster-wrapped leg stiff beneath the table. 他打了石膏的腿僵直地伸在桌下。
  "Come here, Sansa," he said, not unkindly, when the septa had gone for her sister. “珊莎,你过来。” 修女去找妹妹后,他开了口,脸色并无不悦,
  "Sit beside me." He closed the book. “过来坐我旁边。”说着他合上书。
  Septa Mordane returned with Arya squirming in her grasp. 不一会儿茉丹修女把扭来扭去的艾莉亚也抓来了。
  Sansa had put on a lovely pale green damask gown and a look of remorse, 珊莎换了一件可爱的浅绿色缎子外衣,脸上堆满愧疚之色,
  but her sister was still wearing the ratty leathers and roughspun she'd worn at breakfast. 但妹妹依旧穿着早餐时那套脏兮兮的皮背心,一身破烂。