冰与火之歌系列之《权力的游戏》第647期:第三十一章 艾德(2)(在线收听

    Pycelle pulled back, his maester's chain jangling.  派席尔抽回身子,脖子上的锁链吭啷作响。

  "As you say. I shall visit again on the morrow."  “如您所言。我明天再来看看。”
  The old man hurriedly gathered up his things and took his leave. 老人收拾东西很快离去。
  Ned had little doubt that he was bound straight for the royal apartments, to whisper at the queen.  奈德想也知道他八成会直奔王家居室,把他的反应通报王后。
  I thought you had best know, indeed... as if Cersei had not instructed him to pass along her father's threats. 好个“我想最好让您知道”……说得一副瑟曦没有特别吩咐他把她父亲的恐吓说出来似的。
  He hoped his response rattled those perfect teeth of hers.  他希望自己的回答能让她咬牙切齿。
  Ned was not near as confident of Robert as he pretended, but there was no reason Cersei need know that. 实际上奈德对劳勃并不如他表面上显示的那么有信心,但没必要让瑟曦知道。
  When Pycelle was gone, Ned called for a cup of honeyed wine. 派席尔走后,奈德要来一杯掺蜂蜜的酒。
  That clouded the mind as well, yet not as badly.  这东西喝了同样会干扰神智,却没那么严重。
  He needed to be able to think. 他必须保持思绪明晰。
  A thousand times, he asked himself what Jon Arryn might have done, had he lived long enough to act on what he'd learned. 他问过自己一千遍:假如琼恩,艾林得知真相后没被人害死,他接下来会采取什么行动?
  Or perhaps he had acted, and died for it. 话说回来,说不定他采取过行动,却因此而丧命。
  It was queer how sometimes a child's innocent eyes can see things that grown men are blind to. 说来奇怪,有时候孩子无知的眼睛,反而能看到成年人视而不见的事实。
  Someday, when Sansa was grown, he would have to tell her how she had made it all come clear for him. 总有一天,等珊莎长大,他一定要告诉她,她的一句话是如何为他拨开了重重疑云。
  He's not the least bit like that old drunken king, she had declared, angry and unknowing, and the simple truth of it had twisted inside him, cold as death. 她在一无所知的情况下,说出“他一点都不像那酒鬼国王”这句气话,单纯的真相顿时在他胸口翻涌,冰冷一如死亡。
  This was the sword that killed Jon Arryn, Ned thought then, and it will kill Robert as well, a slower death but full as certain.  这就是杀死琼恩·艾林的那把剑,当时奈德便想,这把剑同样也会杀死劳勃,或许比较慢,但绝对是迟早的事。