冰与火之歌系列之《权力的游戏》第650期:第三十一章 艾德(5)(在线收听

   For a brief moment Ned considered telling him all of it, but there was something in Littlefinger's japes that irked him. 有那么一瞬间,奈德犹豫要不要把实情告诉他,但小指头的玩笑令他生厌。

  The man was too clever by half, a mocking smile never far from his lips. 这家伙老是自以为机灵,那抹促狭的微笑从来不离唇边。
  "Jon Arryn was studying this volume when he was taken sick," Ned said in a careful tone, to see how he might respond. “琼恩·艾林生病时读的就是这本书。”奈德谨慎地说,打算试探对方的反应。
  And he responded as he always did: with a quip. 他果然一如既往地耍了个嘴皮子。
  "In that case," he said, "death must have come as a blessed relief." “若是这样,”他说,“那死还真算得上解脱。”
  Lord Petyr Baelish bowed and took his leave. 语毕培提尔·贝里席伯爵鞠躬离去。
  Eddard Stark allowed himself a curse. 艾德·史塔克容许自己咒骂了一句。
  Aside from his own retainers, there was scarcely a man in this city he trusted. 除了自己的手下,城里无人可以信任。
  Littlefinger had concealed Catelyn and helped Ned in his inquiries,  小指头虽曾帮忙藏匿凯特琳,也协助奈德明查暗访,
  yet his haste to save his own skin when Jaime and his swords had come out of the rain still rankled. 然而当詹姆和他手下出现时,他那幅急于自保的嘴脸,至今依旧历历如绘。
  Varys was worse. For all his protestations of loyalty, the eunuch knew too much and did too little. 瓦里斯更糟。他成天强调自己忠心耿耿,事实上他知道的太多,真正去做的却太少。
  Grand Maester Pycelle seemed more Cersei's creature with every passing day,  派席尔国师越看越像瑟曦的走狗,
  and Sir Barristan was an old man, and rigid. He would tell Ned to do his duty. 巴利斯坦爵士则年事已高,又食古不化,多半会告诉奈德管好份内之事即可。
  Time was perilously short. 时间异常紧迫,
  The king would return from his hunt soon, and honor would require Ned to go to him with all he had learned. 待国王游猎归来,出于荣誉,奈德非得向他吐露实情不可。
  Vayon Poole had arranged for Sansa and Arya to sail on the Wind Witch out of Braavos, three days hence. 维扬·普尔已经安排好珊莎和艾莉亚三天后搭乘布拉佛斯的风之巫女号离开,
  They would be back at Winterfell before the harvest. 她们将在收获之前抵达临冬城。