冰与火之歌系列之《权力的游戏》第666期:第三十二章 丹妮莉丝(8)(在线收听

   The procession waited on the grassy shore as Dany stripped and let her soiled clothing fall to the ground.  队伍静候于绿草波荡的岸边,丹妮则脱去身上的脏衣服放在地上,

  Naked, she stepped gingerly into the water. 赤身裸体,小心翼翼地探脚入水。
  Irri said the lake had no bottom, but Dany felt soft mud squishing between her toes as she pushed through the tall reeds. 伊丽说这湖深不见底,可丹妮一边拨开高大的芦苇,一边却感觉到脚趾间挤压的软泥。
  The moon floated on the still black waters, shattering and re-forming as her ripples washed over it.  月亮漂浮在平静的黑水面,随着她激起的涟漪不断碎裂,又复聚合。
  Goose pimples rose on her pale skin as the coldness crept up her thighs and kissed her lower lips. 寒意爬上她的大腿,亲吻她的下体,她白晰的肌肤上立时起了鸡皮疙瘩。
  The stallion's blood had dried on her hands and around her mouth.  手上和嘴边的马血早已干涸,
  Dany cupped her fingers and lifted the sacred waters over her head, cleansing herself and the child inside her while the khal and the others looked on. 她伸手捧起圣水,高举自头淋下,在卡奥和众目睽睽之下,涤净自己和体内的胎儿。
  She heard the old women of the dosh khaleen muttering to each other as they watched, and wondered what they were saying. 她听见多希卡林的老妇低声私语,不禁好奇她们在说些什么。
  When she emerged from the lake, shivering and dripping, 待她浑身发抖,滴水淋漓自湖中归返,
  her handmaid Doreah hurried to her with a robe of painted sandsilk, but Khal Drogo waved her away. 女仆多莉亚急忙拿起彩绘纱丝袍给她,却被卓戈卡奥挥手赶开。
  He was looking on her swollen breasts and the curve of her belly with approval, 他面带称许地望着她肿胀的胸乳和腹部的浑圆曲线。
  and Dany could see the shape of his manhood pressing through his horsehide trousers, below the heavy gold medallions of his belt. 丹妮看见那条厚重的金章腰带下,他的命根在马皮缝制的裤子里紧紧撑立。
  She went to him and helped him unlace. 她上前为他解开裤带,
  Then her huge khal took her by the hips and lifted her into the air, as he might lift a child.  魁梧的卡奥托住她的臀部,像抱小孩似地将她举到半空,
  The bells in his hair rang softly. 发际的铃铛轻轻作响。