冰与火之歌系列之《权力的游戏》第689期:第三十三章 艾德(11)(在线收听

   Heavy chains jangled softly as Grand Maester Pycelle came up to Ned. 沉重的锁链轻声作响,派席尔大学士朝奈德走来。

  "I will do all in my power, my lord, but the wound has mortified.  “大人,我会尽我全力,可伤口已经长疽。
  It took them two days to get him back. By the time I saw him, it was too late.  他们花了两天时间才把他送回来,等我见到伤势为时已晚。
  I can lessen His Grace's suffering, but only the gods can heal him now." 我可以减轻陛下的伤痛,但现在能救他的只有天上诸神了。”
  How long? Ned asked. “还能活多久?”奈德问。
  By rights, he should be dead already. “照理说他现在已经死了。
  I have never seen a man cling to life so fiercely. 我还从没见过求生意志这么强的人。”
  My brother was always strong, Lord Renly said. "Not wise, perhaps, but strong." “我哥一向很强壮,”蓝礼公爵说,“或许不顶聪明,但强壮是勿庸置疑。”
  In the sweltering heat of the bedchamber, his brow was slick with sweat. 卧室里闷热难耐,他的额际布满晶亮的汗珠,
  He might have been Robert's ghost as he stood there, young and dark and handsome. 模样仿佛是劳勃的翻版,年轻、黝黑而英俊。
  "He slew the boar. His entrails were sliding from his belly, yet somehow he slew the boar."  “他杀了那头猪。也不管自己内脏都从肚子里跑出来了,他还是宰了那头野猪。”
  His voice was full of wonder. 他的声音充满惊奇。
  Robert was never a man to leave the battleground so long as a foe remained standing, Ned told him. “只要敌人还站着,劳勃就决不会离开战场。”奈德告诉他。
  Outside the door, Sir Barristan Selmy still guarded the tower steps.  门外,巴利斯坦·赛尔弥爵士依旧把守着高塔楼梯。
  "Maester Pycelle has given Robert the milk of the poppy," Ned told him.  “派席尔大学士已经给劳勃喝过罂粟花奶,”奈德告诉他,
  "See that no one disturbs his rest without leave from me." “未经我同意,任何人不得打扰他休息。”
  It shall be as you command, my lord.  “遵命,大人。”
  Sir Barristan seemed old beyond his years.  巴利斯坦爵士看起来比他实际年龄还要苍老。
  "I have failed my sacred trust." “我辜负了我神圣的职责。”