冰与火之歌系列之《权力的游戏》第695期:第三十三章 艾德(17)(在线收听

   He wanted nothing so much as to seek out the godswood, 他只想去神木林,

  to kneel before the heart tree and pray for the life of Robert Baratheon, who had been more than a brother to him. 跪在心树下,祈祷那曾经与他情胜手足的劳勃·拜拉席恩能够活命。
  Men would whisper afterward that Eddard Stark had betrayed his king's friendship and disinherited his sons; 将来人们会说艾德·史塔克背叛了国王的友谊,夺走了他子嗣的继承权。
  he could only hope that the gods would know better, and that Robert would learn the truth of it in the land beyond the grave. 他只希望天上诸神能体谅他的苦衷,而劳勃若死后有知,也能知悉真相。
  Ned took out the king's last letter. 奈德取出国王的临终遗嘱。
  A roll of crisp white parchment sealed with golden wax, a few short words and a smear of blood. 那只是一张盖上黄色蜡印,写了只字片语,却留下一滩血迹的脆弱的白色卷轴。
  How small the difference between victory and defeat, between life and death. 胜负生死,实在只是一线之间。
  He drew out a fresh sheet of paper and dipped his quill in the inkpot.  他抽出一张白纸,取笔沾了墨水。
  To His Grace, Stannis of the House Baratheon, he wrote.  致拜拉席恩家族的史坦尼斯国王陛下,他写道,
  By the time you receive this letter, your brother Robert, our King these past fifteen years, will be dead. 当您接获此信之时,令兄劳勃,吾人过去十五年来的国君,已经过世。
  He was savaged by a boar whilst hunting in the kingswood ...  他在御林狩猎时为一野猪所伤……
  The letters seemed to writhe and twist on the paper as his hand trailed to a stop. 字句似乎在纸上扭曲缠绕,他不得不停笔思考。
  Lord Tywin and Sir Jaime were not men to suffer disgrace meekly; they would fight rather than flee. 泰温大人和詹姆爵士绝不会忍受耻辱,他们宁可兴兵反抗也不会逃走。
  No doubt Lord Stannis was wary, after the murder of Jon Arryn,  自琼恩·艾林遭人谋害,想必史坦尼斯大人也颇感恐惧,
  but it was imperative that he sail for King's Landing at once with all his power, before the Lannisters could march. 但此刻他必须趁兰尼斯特军还未出动之机,立即率领所部人马驶向君临。