冰与火之歌系列之《权力的游戏》第711期:第三十四章 琼恩(10)(在线收听

   Later, though, he started to take Dickon and leave me at home, and he no longer cared whether I sat through his audiences, so long as Dickon was there. 直到后来他改带狄肯,把我丢在家里。只要狄肯跟着他,他便懒得管我是否出席会议。

  He wanted his heir at his side, don't you see? 他的目的是把自己的‘继承人’带在身边,你懂吗?
  To watch and listen and learn from all he did.  让他察言观色从中学习。
  I'll wager that's why Lord Mormont requested you, Jon.  琼恩,我敢打赌莫尔蒙司令也是这个意思。
  What else could it be?  不然他干嘛这么做?
  He wants to groom you for command!" 他想训练你作总司令接班人哪!”
  Jon was taken aback. 琼恩完全愣住了。
  It was true, Lord Eddard had often made Robb part of his councils back at Winterfell. 的确,以前在临冬城的时候,艾德公爵便常要罗柏出席各种会议。
  Could Sam be right? 难道山姆说的是真的?
  Even a bastard could rise high in the Night's Watch, they said. 人家总说在守夜人部队里,即便私生子也可升至高位。
  "I never asked for this," he said stubbornly. “我又不想这样。”他嘴硬地说。
  None of us are here for asking, Sam reminded him. “我们没有人想来这里。”山姆又提醒他。
  And suddenly Jon Snow was ashamed. 突然间琼恩·雪诺觉得羞愧交加。
  Craven or not, Samwell Tarly had found the courage to accept his fate like a man. 无论他算不算懦夫,山姆威尔·塔利都像个男子汉一样有了接受命运的勇气。
  On the Wall, a man gets only what he earns, Benjen Stark had said the last night Jon had seen him alive.  在长城守军里,想得到什么样的待遇,就得证明自己有什么样的本事,琼恩最后一次见到活生生的班扬·史塔克的那天夜里,他曾这么说,
  You're no ranger, Jon, only a green boy with the smell of summer still on you. 你还不是游骑兵,你只是个稚气未脱,身上还残留着夏天气味的小鬼。
  He'd heard it said that bastards grow up faster than other children; on the Wall, you grew up or you died. 据说私生子成长得比别人都快,在长城上,你若不快快成长,就只有死路一条。
  Jon let out a deep sigh. 琼恩一声长叹。
  "You have the right of it. I was acting the boy." “你说得没错。是我太孩子气了。”