冰与火之歌系列之《权力的游戏》第724期:第三十四章 艾德(9)(在线收听

   Liar! Joffrey screamed, his face reddening. “你骗人!”乔佛里满脸通红地尖叫。

  Mother, what does he mean?  “母亲,他这话什么意思?”
  Princess Myrcella asked the queen plaintively.  弥赛拉公主一脸哀怨地问王后。
  "Isn't Joff the king now?" “小乔现在不是国王了吗?”
  You condemn yourself with your own mouth, Lord Stark, said Cersei Lannister. “史塔克大人,你这是自寻死路。”瑟曦·兰尼斯特道,
  "Sir Barristan, seize this traitor." “巴利斯坦爵士,拿下这个叛徒。”
  The Lord Commander of the Kingsguard hesitated.  御林铁卫队长迟疑了片刻,
  In the blink of an eye he was surrounded by Stark guardsmen, bare steel in their mailed fists. 只一眨眼功夫,他便被拔出武器的史塔克卫士团团围住。“我看你不只是嘴上说说,
  And now the treason moves from words to deeds, Cersei said.  而是迫不及待要抢位夺权了。”瑟曦道,
  "Do you think Sir Barristan stands alone, my lord?"  “大人,你以为巴利斯坦爵士孤军奋战吗?”
  With an ominous rasp of metal on metal, the Hound drew his longsword. 随着一声充满不祥暗示的金属碰撞,猎狗抽出了长剑。
  The knights of the Kingsguard and twenty Lannister guardsmen in crimson cloaks moved to support him. 其余的御林铁卫和二十名兰尼斯特卫士也同时前进。
  Kill him! the boy king screamed down from the Iron Throne.  “杀了他!”铁王座上的男孩国王扯着喉咙尖叫,
  "Kill all of them, I command it!" “把他们通通给我杀掉!”
  You leave me no choice, Ned told Cersei Lannister. “你让我别无选择。”奈德告诉瑟曦·兰尼斯特。
  He called out to Janos Slynt.  他召唤杰诺斯·史林特,
  "Commander, take the queen and her children into custody.  “司令,请您暂时拘捕王后和她的孩子,
  Do them no harm, but escort them back to the royal apartments and keep them there, under guard." 但不得加以伤害。将他们送回王家居室,并派人加以看守。”
  Men of the Watch! Janos Slynt shouted, donning his helm. “都城守卫队!”杰诺斯·史林特高叫,一边戴上头盔。
  A hundred gold cloaks leveled their spears and closed. 一百名金披风卫士放低长枪,朝他们靠拢。
  I want no bloodshed, Ned told the queen. “我不希望无谓的流血冲突,”奈德告诉王后,
  "Tell your men to lay down their swords, and no one need..." “叫你的手下放下武器,就无须——”
  With a single sharp thrust, the nearest gold cloak drove his spear into Tomard's back. 一记利落的突刺,离得最近的都城守卫将长枪戳进托马德的背脊。