冰与火之歌系列之《权力的游戏》第732期:第三十四章 艾莉亚(7)(在线收听

   Five men were down, dead, or dying by the time Arya reached the back door that opened on the kitchen.  等艾莉亚走到通往厨房的后门时,五个人不是倒地丧命,就是奄奄一息。

  She heard Sir Meryn Trant curse. 她听见马林·特兰爵士咒道:
  "Bloody oafs," he swore, drawing his longsword from its scabbard. “一群废物,”然后拔出长剑。
  Syrio Forel resumed his stance and clicked his teeth together. 西利欧·佛瑞尔恢复了战斗姿势,牙齿咯咯作响。
  "Arya child," he called out, never looking at her, "be gone now." “小艾莉亚,”他头也不回地叫道,“快走。”
  Look with your eyes, he had said. 用你的眼睛看,他刚才教导过。
  She saw: the knight in his pale armor head to foot, legs, throat, and hands sheathed in metal,  于是她看了:骑士穿着全身重铠,头、脚、乃至喉咙、手臂都由钢甲保护,
  eyes hidden behind his high white helm, and in his hand cruel steel. 双眼隐藏在纯白高盔后,手拿狰狞的精钢长剑。
  Against that: Syrio, in a leather vest, with a wooden sword in his hand. 反观西利欧:皮革背心和手中的木剑。
  "Syrio, run," she screamed. “西利欧,快跑!”她尖叫。
  The first sword of Braavos does not run, he sang as Sir Meryn slashed at him. “布拉佛斯的首席剑士从不临阵脱逃。” 他朗声道。马林爵士挥剑朝他砍来,
  Syrio danced away from his cut, his stick a blur. 西利欧优雅地闪开,手中木棍划出一阵白光芒朝骑士攻去。
  In a heartbeat, he had bounced blows off the knight's temple, elbow, and throat,   才一次心跳间,他接连击中骑士的太阳穴、手肘和喉咙,
  the wood ringing against the metal of helm, gauntlet, and gorget.  木头敲响了头盔、护手和颈甲的金属。
  Arya stood frozen. Sir Meryn advanced; Syrio backed away. 艾莉亚整个人愣在原地。马林爵士继续进逼,西利欧退后。
  He checked the next blow, spun away from the second, deflected the third. 他挡下一击攻势,躲开第二剑,又挥开第三击。
  The fourth sliced his stick in two, splintering the wood and shearing through the lead core. 但第四剑将木棍拦腰砍断,木屑飞溅,铅制骨架断裂。
  Sobbing, Arya spun and ran. 艾莉亚啜泣着迈开脚步,飞奔而去。
  She plunged through the kitchens and buttery, blind with panic, weaving between cooks and potboys. 她冲过厨房和贮藏室,在厨师和侍者间穿梭,害怕得什么都看不清。
  A baker's helper stepped in front of her, holding a wooden tray. 一个捧着木盘的面包师助手经过她面前,
  Arya bowled her over, scattering fragrant loaves of fresh-baked bread on the floor. 艾莉亚把她整个撞倒,刚出炉、香气四溢的面包洒了一地。