冰与火之歌系列之《权力的游戏》第759期:第三十七章 珊莎(14)(在线收听

   Joff would need to punish Father, the lords would expect it,  虽然小乔处罚父亲在所难免,群臣也会如此期待,

  but perhaps he could send him back to Winterfell, or exile him to one of the Free Cities across the narrow sea.  但或许他能把他送回临冬城,或者将他放逐到狭海对岸的自由贸易城邦。
  It would only have to be for a few years.  只要他安心待个几年,
  By then she and Joffrey would be married.  等她和乔佛里成婚,
  Once she was queen, she could persuade Joff to bring Father back and grant him a pardon. 一旦她贵为王后,便可劝说乔佛里赦免父亲的罪行,放他回家。
  Only... if Mother or Robb did anything treasonous, called the banners or refused to swear fealty or anything, it would all go wrong. 可是……万一母亲和罗柏做出什么违法犯上的事,比如召集封臣举兵叛乱,或是不肯宣誓效忠,那后果可就不堪设想。
  Her Joffrey was good and kind, she knew it in her heart, but a king had to be stern with rebels. 虽然她心里清楚乔佛里有副高贵的好心肠,可他毕竟身为一国之君,对叛变之事非得严惩不贷,
  She had to make them understand, she had to! 所以她一定要让母亲他们了解,她非这样做不可!
  I'll... I'll write the letters, Sansa told them. “那……那我就写吧。”珊莎告诉他们。
  With a smile as warm as the sunrise, Cersei Lannister leaned close and kissed her gently on the cheek.  瑟曦·兰尼斯特露出如旭日般温煦的笑容,靠过来轻吻她的脸颊。
  "I knew you would. Joffrey will be so proud when I tell him what courage and good sense you've shown here today." “我知道你会的。等我告诉乔佛里你今天有多勇敢,多懂事,他一定会倍感骄傲。”
  In the end, she wrote four letters.  最后她一共写了四封信。
  To her mother, the Lady Catelyn Stark, and to her brothers at Winterfell, and to her aunt and her grandfather as well,  收件人包括母亲凯特琳·史塔克夫人,她临冬城的兄弟们,以及阿姨和爷爷,
  Lady Lysa Arryn of the Eyrie, and Lord Hoster Tully of Riverrun.  也就是鹰巢城的莱莎·艾林夫人和奔流城的霍斯特·徒利公爵。
  By the time she had done, her fingers were cramped and stiff and stained with ink.  待她写完,手指已经酸麻僵硬,沾满墨水。
  Varys had her father's seal.  瓦里斯拿来父亲的印章,
  She warmed the pale white beeswax over a candle, poured it carefully, and watched as the eunuch stamped each letter with the direwolf of House Stark. 她在蜡烛上融了白色蜂蜡,小心翼翼地倒在信封口,然后看着太监用史塔克家族的冰原狼印章依次盖上。