冰与火之歌系列之《权力的游戏》第780期:第三十八章 琼恩(21)(在线收听

   My father is no traitor, he told the direwolf when the rest had gone. “我父亲不是叛徒。”众人离去之后,他对冰原狼说。

  Ghost looked at him in silence. 白灵静静地看着他。
  Jon slumped against the wall, hands around his knees, and stared at the candle on the table beside his narrow bed. 琼恩双手抱膝,颓然靠在墙上,盯着窄床边桌子上的蜡烛。
  The flame flickered and swayed, the shadows moved around him, the room seemed to grow darker and colder. 烛焰摇曳闪动,影子在他周围晃个不休,房间似乎更显阴暗,也更冰冷。
  I will not sleep tonight, Jon thought. 我今晚绝对不睡,琼恩心想。
  Yet he must have dozed. 然而他多半还是打了瞌睡吧。
  When he woke, his legs were stiff and cramped and the candle had long since burned out. 醒来时只觉双腿僵硬,酸麻无比,蜡烛也早已燃尽。
  Ghost stood on his hind legs, scrabbling at the door. 白灵后脚站立,前脚扒着房门。
  Jon was startled to see how tall he'd grown. 琼恩看它突然间变得那么高,吓了一跳。
  "Ghost, what is it?" he called softly. “白灵,怎么了?”他轻声唤道。
  The direwolf turned his head and looked down at him, baring his fangs in a silent snarl. 冰原狼转过头,向下看着他,露出利齿,无声地咆哮。
  Has he gone mad? Jon wondered. 它疯了吗?琼恩暗忖。
  "It's me, Ghost," he murmured, trying not to sound afraid. “白灵,是我啊。”他喃喃低语,试图遮掩声音里的恐惧。
  Yet he was trembling, violently. 可另一方面,他又在不由自主地剧烈颤抖。
  When had it gotten so cold? 什么时候变得这么冷?
  Ghost backed away from the door. There were deep gouges where he'd raked the wood. 白灵从门边退开,木门被他刨出深深的爪痕。
  Jon watched him with mounting disquiet. 琼恩看着它,心中的不安节节升高。