冰与火之歌系列之《权力的游戏》第792期:第三十八章 布兰(6)(在线收听

   The riders gave them queer looks as they went by, and once Bran heard someone guffaw. 骑兵神情怪异地看着他们经过,布兰还听见有人粗声大笑,

  He refused to let it trouble him. 但他拒绝自己心绪被扰乱。
  "Men will look at you," Maester Luwin had warned him the first time they had strapped the wicker basket around Hodor's chest. “别人会看着你,”当他们头一次把柳条篮绑上阿多后背时,鲁温师傅就警告过他:
  "They will look, and they will talk, and some will mock you." “他们不但会看,会议论纷纷,有些人还会嘲笑你。”
  Let them mock, Bran thought. 让他们嘲笑去罢,布兰心想。
  No one mocked him in his bedchamber, but he would not live his life in bed. 如果他待在卧房,就没有人能嘲笑,但他不愿一辈子都在床上度过。
  As they passed beneath the gatehouse portcullis, Bran put two fingers into his mouth and whistled. 从闸门下经过时,布兰将两根手指伸进口中,吹起口哨。
  Summer came loping across the yard. 夏天立刻从广场彼端轻步跑来。
  Suddenly the Karstark lancers were fighting for control, as their horses rolled their eyes and whickered in dismay. 刹时,马儿纷纷翻起白眼,惊恐地嘶声呜叫,卡史塔克家的枪骑兵不得不努力维持平衡。
  One stallion reared, screaming, his rider cursing and hanging on desperately. 有一匹战马尖叫着抬起前蹄,骑在上面的武士高声咒骂,好容易才没摔下去。
  The scent of the direwolves sent horses into a frenzy of fear if they were not accustomed to it, but they'd quiet soon enough once Summer was gone. 非经天长日久的习惯,马匹通常一闻到冰原狼的味道就会害怕得发狂,直等夏天走远它们才没事。
  "The godswood," Bran reminded Hodor. “去神木林。”布兰提醒阿多。
  Even Winterfell itself was crowded. 他想不到临冬城也有人满为患的时候。
  The yard rang to the sound of sword and axe, the rumble of wagons, and the barking of dogs. 场子里处处是刀斧碰撞、马车辘辘和猎狗吠叫。
  The armory doors were open, and Bran glimpsed Mikken at his forge, his hammer ringing as sweat dripped off his bare chest. 兵器库门大敞,布兰瞥见密肯站在锻炉边,不停敲打铁锤,赤裸的胸膛上汗水淋漓。
  Bran had never seen as many strangers in all his years, not even when King Robert had come to visit Father. 布兰这辈子从没见过这么多陌生人,即便是劳勃国王来拜访父亲时也比不上。