冰与火之歌系列之《权力的游戏》第868期:第四十一章 珊莎(1)(在线收听

   Sansa hovered by the door, for once unguarded. 所以暂时无人看管在门边徘徊的珊莎。

  The queen had given her freedom of the castle as a reward for being good, yet even so, she was escorted everywhere she went. 太后赐给她在城堡里自由来去的权利,作为她表现良好的奖赏。但即便如此,不论她走到何处,身旁依旧有人紧随。
  "Honor guards for my daughter-to-be," the queen called them, but they did not make Sansa feel honored. “这是给我准媳妇的荣誉护卫。”太后这么称呼他们,然而珊莎却一点也不觉得受尊重。
  Freedom of the castle meant that she could go wherever she chose within the Red Keep so long as she promised not to go beyond the walls, 所谓“在城堡里自由来去”,指的是她可以在红堡里任意行动,只要她答应不走出城墙以外。
  a promise Sansa had been more than willing to give. 这个要求珊莎倒是很乐于配合,
  She couldn't have gone beyond the walls anyway. 她本来就不可能出去;
  The gates were watched day and night by Janos Slynt's gold cloaks, and Lannister house guards were always about as well. 一来城门日夜有杰诺斯·史林特的金袍卫士或兰尼斯特家的武士看守,
  Besides, even if she could leave the castle, where would she go? 二来,就算她真的离开城堡,又能去什么地方呢?
  It was enough that she could walk in the yard, pick flowers in Myrcella's garden, and visit the sept to pray for her father. 只要能在广场里散散步,到弥赛拉的花园采几朵花,或是造访圣堂,为父亲祈祷,她便心满意足了。
  Sometimes she prayed in the godswood as well, since the Starks kept the old gods. 有时候她也会在神木林祷告,因为史塔克家族是信奉古老诸神的。
  This was the first court session of Joffrey's reign, so Sansa looked about nervously. 今天,是乔佛里登基后首次上朝听政,珊莎很紧张地四处张望。
  A line of Lannister house guards stood beneath the western windows, a line of gold-cloaked City Watchmen beneath the east. 西窗下站了一排兰尼斯特卫士,东窗下则是身穿金色披风的都城守卫队。
  Of smallfolk and commoners, she saw no sign, but under the gallery a cluster of lords great and small milled restlessly. 她没见着任何平民百姓,旁听席上也只有一小群贵族焦躁不安地来回走动。
  There were no more than twenty, where a hundred had been accustomed to wait upon King Robert. 他们为数不过二十,从前劳勃国王的时代,出席者动辄百人以上。