冰与火之歌系列之《权力的游戏》第934期:第四十四章 琼恩(11)(在线收听

   As well, the Lord Commander continued, ignoring the bird's protest, “总之呢,”总司令不理会乌鸦的抗议,

  "it puts a thousand leagues twixt him and you without it seeming a rebuke." 续道,“如此一来你和他就自然隔开了几千里,也不显得我偏袒。”
  He jabbed a finger up at Jon's face. 他伸出一根指头指着琼恩的脸。
  "And don't think this means I approve of that nonsense in the common hall. “但是,别以为这代表我赞同你在大厅里胡来。
  Valor makes up for a fair amount of folly, but you're not a boy anymore, however many years you've seen. 勇气虽然可以弥补相当程度的愚蠢,但无论你几岁,都不是小孩子了。
  That's a man's sword you have there, and it will take a man to wield her. 这是把成年人的剑,也只有成年人才配用它。
  I'll expect you to act the part, henceforth." 我希望你好自为之。”
  Yes, my lord. Jon slid the sword back into the silver-banded scabbard. “是,大人。”琼恩把剑收回镶银边的剑鞘。
  If not the blade he would have chosen, it was nonetheless a noble gift, and freeing him from Alliser Thorne's malignance was nobler still. 虽说这并非他梦想的剑,但依然是件贵重的礼物,而将他自艾里沙·索恩的恶意侮辱之中释放出来,更是高贵之举。
  The Old Bear scratched at his chin. 熊老搔搔下巴。
  "I had forgotten how much a new beard itches," he said. "Well, no help for that. “我都忘记刚长出来的胡子有多痒了。”他说,“唉,也罢。
  Is that hand of yours healed enough to resume your duties?" 你的手能工作么?”
  Yes, my lord. Good. “可以,大人。”“那敢情好。
  The night will be cold, I'll want hot spice wine. 今晚会很冷,我要喝点加料的热葡萄酒。
  Find me a flagon of red, not too sour, and don't skimp on the spices. 帮我找瓶红的,不要太酸,香料也别省。
  And tell Hobb that if he sends me boiled mutton again I'm like to boil him. 还有,你去跟哈布说,他要是敢再给我送煮羊肉来,我就把他给煮了。
  That last haunch was grey. Even the bird wouldn't touch it. 上次的后腿肉整个是灰的,连鸟都不吃。”
  He stroked the raven's head with his thumb, and the bird made a contented quorking sound. 他用拇指搓搓乌鸦的头,鸟儿发出一声满足的咕噜。
  "Away with you. I've work to do." “你去吧,我还有事要忙。”