冰与火之歌系列之《权力的游戏》第936期:第四十四章 琼恩(13)(在线收听

   We knew even before that, though, Grenn said. “我们知道得比那更早哩,”葛兰说。

  "Rudge has been helping Donal Noye in the forge. “路奇在唐纳·诺伊的锻炉那边帮忙,
  He was there when the Old Bear brought him the burnt blade." 熊老拿烧坏的剑去的时候他刚好在场。”
  The sword! Matt insisted.  “快把剑拿出来!”梅沙坚持。
  The others took up the chant. 其他人也跟着起哄。
  "The sword, the sword, the sword." “拿剑来!拿剑来!拿剑来!”
  Jon unsheathed Longclaw and showed it to them, turning it this way and that so they could admire it. 于是琼恩抽出长爪,左右旋转,让他们好好欣赏。
  The bastard blade glittered in the pale sunlight, dark and deadly. 长柄剑身在苍白的日光下闪着阴暗而致命的光泽。
  "Valyrian steel," he declared solemnly, trying to sound as pleased and proud as he ought to have felt. “这是瓦雷利亚钢呢。”他严肃地表示,努力装出应有的快乐和骄傲。
  I heard of a man who had a razor made of Valyrian steel, declared Toad. “我听说啊,从前有个人有把瓦雷利亚钢打的剃刀,”陶德说,
  "He cut his head off trying to shave." “结果他刮胡子的时候把头给剃掉了。”
  Pyp grinned. "The Night's Watch is thousands of years old," he said, 派普嘿嘿一笑。“守夜人虽有几千年历史,”他说,
  "but I'll wager Lord Snow's the first brother ever honored for burning down the Lord Commander's Tower." “但我敢打赌,咱们雪诺大人肯定是头一个把司令塔给烧掉的人。”
  The others laughed, and even Jon had to smile. 众人哈哈大笑,连琼恩也忍俊不禁。
  The fire he'd started had not, in truth, burned down that formidable stone tower, 其实他引起的那场火,并未当真烧毁那座坚实的石砌高塔,
  but it had done a fair job of gutting the interior of the top two floors, where the Old Bear had his chambers. 只是把塔顶两层楼的所有房间,也就是熊老的居所,给烧得一干二净。
  No one seemed to mind that very much, since it had also destroyed Othor's murderous corpse. 大家对于损失倒是不以为意,因为这场大火同时也烧毁了奥瑟的杀人死尸。
  The other wight, the one-handed thing that had once been a ranger named Jafer Flowers, 至于那个生前叫做杰佛·佛花,原本是游骑兵,后来只剩一只手的尸鬼,
  had also been destroyed, cut near to pieces by a dozen swords... but not before it had slain Sir Jaremy Rykker and four other men. 也被十几个弟兄剁成碎片……然而它却先杀死了杰瑞米·莱克爵士及其他四人。