冰与火之歌系列之《权力的游戏》第939期:第四十四章 琼恩(16)(在线收听

   Dickon will have it now." 现在狄肯是它的传人了。”

  He wiped sweaty hands on his cloak. 他在斗篷上擦擦手汗。
  "I ah... Maester Aemon wants to see you." “我……嗯……伊蒙师傅要见你。”
  It was not time for his bandages to be changed. 还不到换绷带的时间。
  Jon frowned suspiciously. "Why?" he demanded. 琼恩狐疑地皱眉质问:“他找我做什么?”
  Sam looked miserable. That was answer enough. 看着山姆可怜兮兮的模样,答案已经不问自明。
  "You told him, didn't you?" Jon said angrily. “你跟他说了,是不是?”琼恩怒道,
  "You told him that you told me." “你跟他说你告诉我了。”
  I... he... Jon, I didn't want to... he asked... I mean I think he knew, he sees things no one else sees ...  “我……他……琼恩,我不是故意的……是他问的……我的意思是说……我觉得他根本就知道,他看得见别人看不到的东西。”
  He's blind, Jon pointed out forcefully, disgusted. "I can find the way myself." “他的眼睛早就瞎了。”琼恩口气嫌恶地大嚷,“我自己认得路。”
  He left Sam standing there, openmouthed and quivering. 说完,他径自走开,留下目瞪口呆的山姆站在原地发抖。
  He found Maester Aemon up in the rookery, feeding the ravens. 伊蒙学士正在鸦巢里喂渡鸦,
  Clydas was with him, carrying a bucket of chopped meat as they shuffled from cage to cage. 克莱达斯提着一桶肉片,跟着他在笼子间行进。
  "Sam said you wanted me?" “山姆说您有事找我?”
  The maester nodded. 学士点点头。
  "I did indeed. Clydas, give Jon the bucket. Perhaps he will be kind enough to assist me." “是我的意思。克莱达斯,请把桶子交给琼恩,或许他愿意好心地帮我个忙。”
  The hunched, pink-eyed brother handed Jon the bucket and scurried down the ladder. 驼背红眼的弟兄将桶子递给琼恩,随后赶忙爬下梯子。
  "Toss the meat into the cages," Aemon instructed him. “只管把肉丢进笼子,”伊蒙指点他。
  "The birds will do the rest." “鸟儿自己明白。”