冰与火之歌系列之《权力的游戏》第947期:第四十四章 琼恩(24)(在线收听

   "Once," the old man said. "Once. “都是过去的事,”老人说:“过去的事了。

  So you see, Jon, I do know... and knowing, I will not tell you stay or go. 所以,琼恩,你看,我的确是明白你的感受……正因为明白,所以我不会要求你留下或是离开。
  You must make that choice yourself, and live with it all the rest of your days. As I have." 你必须自己做出这个抉择,然后一辈子与之相伴,就像我一样。”
  His voice fell to a whisper. "As I have... " 他的声音只剩呓语。“就像我一样……”
  Daenerys. When the battle was done, Dany rode her silver through the fields of the dead. 丹妮莉丝。战事结束之后,丹妮骑着银马穿过遍野横尸,
  Her handmaids and the men of her khas came after, smiling and jesting among themselves. 女仆和卡斯部众紧随其后,彼此嬉笑玩闹。
  Dothraki hooves had torn the earth and trampled the rye and lentils into the ground, 大地为多斯拉克铁蹄撕裂,裸麦和扁豆都被踩进泥土,
  while arakhs and arrows had sown a terrible new crop and watered it with blood. 插在地上的亚拉克弯刀和箭支经过鲜血浇灌,成了新的可怕作物。
  Dying horses lifted their heads and screamed at her as she rode past. 她骑马走过战场,濒死的马儿抬头对她嘶鸣,
  Wounded men moaned and prayed. 伤者有的呻吟、有的祈祷。
  Jaqqa rhan moved among them, the mercy men with their heavy axes, taking a harvest of heads from the dead and dying alike. 大批拿着重斧,专替伤者解脱的“贾卡朗”穿梭其间,从亡者和将死之人身上收割下数不清的人头。
  After them would scurry a flock of small girls, pulling arrows from the corpses to fill their baskets.  跑在他们后面的是一群小女孩,她们从尸体上拔取箭枝,装进提篮,以备再次使用。