冰与火之歌系列之《权力的游戏》第961期:第四十五章 丹妮莉丝(14)(在线收听

   Khal Drogo waved him away. 卓戈卡奥把他挥开。

  "I need no man's help," he said, in a voice proud and hard. “我不需要人帮忙,”他用骄傲而坚定的语气说。
  He stood, unaided, towering over them all. 他不靠搀扶站了起来,比在场所有人都要高大。
  A fresh wave of blood ran down his breast, from where Ogo's arakh had cut off his nipple. 鲜血自他被奥戈血盟卫的亚拉克弯刀所割去的乳头处汩汩流下,
  Dany moved quickly to his side. 丹妮赶忙走到他身边。
  "I am no man," she whispered, "so you may lean on me." “我不是男人,”她小声说,“靠在我身上吧。”
  Drogo put a huge hand on her shoulder. 卓戈伸出巨手搭住她的肩膀,
  She took some of his weight as they walked toward the great mud temple. 她便这么扶着他朝泥砌神庙走去。
  The three bloodriders followed. 三名血盟卫紧跟在后,
  Dany commanded Sir Jorah and the warriors of her khas to guard the entrance  丹妮命令乔拉爵士和她的卡斯部众守住神庙入口,
  and make certain no one set the building afire while they were still inside. 确保他们出来之前不会有人来此纵火。
  They passed through a series of anterooms, into the high central chamber under the onion. 他们穿过一连串的前厅,走进位于“洋葱”正下方的中央大堂。
  Faint light shone down through hidden windows above. 微弱的光线从上方隐蔽的窗户射入,
  A few torches burnt smokily from sconces on the walls. 墙上烛台里插了几支火把,正在冒烟燃烧。
  Sheepskins were scattered across the mud floor. 泥地上散乱地铺着羊皮。
  "There," Mirri Maz Duur said, pointing to the altar, a massive blue-veined stone carved with images of shepherds and their flocks. “躺在那里。”弥丽·马兹·笃尔指着祭坛说。那是一块巨大的蓝纹石板,上面刻画着牧羊人与羊群的图案。
  Khal Drogo lay upon it. 卓戈卡奥躺上去,
  The old woman threw a handful of dried leaves onto a brazier, filling the chamber with fragrant smoke. 老妇人在火盆里洒上一把干枯的叶子,房间顿时充满香烟。
  "Best if you wait outside," she told the rest of them. “你们最好到外面等。”她对其他人说。