冰与火之歌系列之《权力的游戏》第962期:第四十五章 丹妮莉丝(15)(在线收听

   "We are blood of his blood," Cohollo said. "Here we wait." “我们是他血之血,”科霍罗说,“我们在这里等。”

  Qotho stepped close to Mirri Maz Duur. 柯索走近弥丽·马兹·笃尔。
  "Know this, wife of the Lamb God. Harm the khal and you suffer the same." “听好,羊神的祭司,你若敢伤害卡奥,就会有这样的下场。”
  He drew his skinning knife and showed her the blade. 他抽出剥皮用的猎刀,给她亮亮锋刃。
  "She will do no harm." “她不会伤他的。”
  Dany felt she could trust this old, plainfaced woman with her flat nose;  丹妮觉得自己可以信任这个丑陋的扁鼻胖妇人,
  she had saved her from the hard hands of her rapers, after all. 毕竟是她将她从施暴者手中拯救出来的啊。
  "If you must stay, then help," Mirri told the bloodriders. “如果你们定要留下,就请帮忙吧。”弥丽对血盟卫们说,
  "The Great Rider is too strong for me. “伟大的骑马战士太过强壮,
  Hold him still while I draw the arrow from his flesh." 请你们按住他,让我把箭拔出来。”
  She let the rags of her gown fall to her waist as she opened a carved chest, and busied herself with bottles and boxes, knives and needles. 她任自己碎裂的长袍落至腰际,前去打开一个雕花箱子,拿出各式瓶罐、小盒、尖刀和针线。
  When she was ready, she broke off the barbed arrowhead and pulled out the shaft, chanting in the singsong tongue of the Lhazareen. 一切备妥之后,她先折断箭身,拔出锯齿状的箭头,一边用拉札林人歌唱般的语调吟诵,
  She heated a flagon of wine to boiling on the brazier, and poured it over his wounds. 随后拿起一瓶葡萄酒在火盆上煮沸,浇在伤口上。
  Khal Drogo cursed her, but he did not move. 卓戈卡奥痛得大声骂她,但一动未动。
  She bound the arrow wound with a plaster of wet leaves and turned to the gash on his breast, 她以湿叶裹住箭伤。
  smearing it with a pale green paste before she pulled the flap of skin back in place. 然后她把一种淡绿药膏涂在胸部伤口上,再把那层皮拉回原处。