冰与火之歌系列之《权力的游戏》第968期:第四十六章 提利昂(4)(在线收听

   Lord Tywin Lannister turned to his brother. 泰温·兰尼斯特公爵转向弟弟。

  "If my son's men will not obey his commands, perhaps the vanguard is not the place for him. “若我儿子的手下不愿服从他的命令,那么前锋显然不适合他。
  No doubt he would be more comfortable in the rear, guarding our baggage train." 毫无疑问,应该让他殿后,负责保护辎重货车。”
  Do me no kindnesses, Father, he said angrily. “父亲,不需要这么替我着想。”他怒道,
  "If you have no other command to offer me, I'll lead your van." “如果您没别的地方给我指挥,就让我来率领前锋。”
  Lord Tywin studied his dwarf son. 泰温公爵打量着他的侏儒儿子。
  "I said nothing about command. You will serve under Sir Gregor." “我可没说让你指挥,你是格雷果爵士的部属。”
  Tyrion took one bite of pork, chewed a moment, and spit it out angrily. 提利昂咬了口猪肉,嚼了两下,然后愤怒地吐出来。
  "I find I am not hungry after all," he said, climbing awkwardly off the bench. "Pray excuse me, my lords." “我发现自己一点也不饿。”说着他别扭地爬下长凳。“诸位大人,我先告退了。”
  Lord Tywin inclined his head, dismissing him. 泰温公爵点头同意。
  Tyrion turned and walked away. 提利昂转身一跛一跛地走下山丘,
  He was conscious of their eyes on his back as he waddled down the hill. 心里很清楚身后众人的目光。
  A great gust of laughter went up from behind him, but he did not look back. 一阵哄笑传来,但他没有回头,
  He hoped they all choked on their suckling pigs. 只暗自希望他们最好都被乳猪噎死。
  Dusk had settled, turning all the banners black. 夜幕已然低垂,将所有旗帜染成黑色。
  The Lannister camp sprawled for miles between the river and the kingsroad. 兰尼斯特军的营地位于河流和国王大道之间,绵延数里。
  In amongst the men and the horses and the trees, it was easy to get lost, and Tyrion did. 在众多人马和树林之中,非常容易迷路。
  He passed a dozen great pavilions and a hundred cookfires. 果不其然,提利昂茫然地走过十几个大帐篷和百余座营火,忽然迷失了方向。
  Fireflies drifted amongst the tents like wandering stars.  萤火虫在营帐间窜动,有如游荡的星星。