冰与火之歌系列之《权力的游戏》第976期:第四十六章 提利昂(12)(在线收听

   Oh, yes, she purred, "my giant of Lannister." “哎哟,可不是嘛,”她愉悦地说,“我的兰尼斯特巨人。”

  She mounted him then, and for a time, she almost made him believe it. Tyrion went to sleep smiling... 说完她骑到他身上,一时之间,几乎就让他相信她的话。提利昂微笑着睡去……
  ... and woke in darkness to the blare of trumpets. Shae was shaking him by the shoulder. ……直到被黑暗中震耳欲聋的喇叭声吵醒,雪伊摇着他的肩膀。
  "M'lord," she whispered. "Wake up, m'lord. I'm frightened." “大人,”她悄声道,“大人您醒醒,我好怕。”
  Groggy, he sat up and threw back the blanket. 他有气无力地坐起来,掀开毛毯,
  The horns called through the night, wild and urgent, a cry that said hurry hurry hurry. 号音响彻夜空,狂野而急促,仿佛在喊着:快啊,快啊,快啊。
  He heard shouts, the clatter of spears, the whicker of horses, though nothing yet that spoke to him of fighting. 他听见人们的叫喊、枪矛的撞击、马儿的嘶鸣,好在没有打斗。
  "My lord father's trumpets," he said. "Battle assembly. “是我父亲的喇叭,”他说,“这是作战集合令。
  I thought Stark was yet a day's march away." 史塔克军离我们不是还有一天路程么?”
  Shae shook her head, lost. Her eyes were wide and white. 雪伊摇摇头,眼睛睁得老大,面色苍白。
  Groaning, Tyrion lurched to his feet and pushed his way outside, shouting for his squire. 提利昂呻吟着下床,摸索着走到帐外,一边叫唤他的侍从。
  Wisps of pale fog drifted through the night, long white fingers off the river. 苍白的迷雾自夜幕中飘浮过来,宛如河面上悠长的白手指。
  Men and horses blundered through the predawn chill; saddles were being cinched, wagons loaded, fires extinguished. 人和马在黎明前的寒气里跌跌撞撞,他们忙着系紧马鞍,将货物运上马车,并熄灭营火。
  The trumpets blew again: hurry hurry hurry. 号角再度吹响:快啊,快啊,快啊。
  Knights vaulted onto snorting coursers while men-at-arms buckled their sword belts as they ran. 骑士们纷纷跃上不住吐气的战马,步兵则边跑边扣上剑带。
  When he found Pod, the boy was snoring softly. 当他找到波德(波德瑞克的小名)时,那孩子正轻声打着鼾。
  Tyrion gave him a sharp poke in the ribs with his toe. 提利昂扬腿狠狠地踢了他肋骨一脚。
  "My armor," he said, "and be quick about it."  “快把我盔甲拿来,”他说,“动作快。”