冰与火之歌系列之《权力的游戏》第979期:第四十六章 提利昂(15)(在线收听

   A warhorn sounded in the far distance, a deep mournful note that chilled the soul. 远处响起军号,低沉哀怨,令人灵魂不寒而栗。

  The clansmen climbed onto their scrawny mountain horses, shouting curses and rude jokes. Several appeared to be drunk. 原住民纷纷爬上骨瘦如柴的山地坐骑,高声咒骂、彼此嘲弄,其中几个明显是醉了。
  The rising sun was burning off the drifting tendrils of fog as Tyrion led them off. 提利昂领军出发时,空气中游移的雾丝正逐渐被东升旭日所蒸发,
  What grass the horses had left was heavy with dew, as if some passing god had scattered a bag of diamonds over the earth. 马儿吃剩的青草上凝满露水,仿佛有位天神刚巧路过,洒下整袋钻石。
  The mountain men fell in behind him, each clan arrayed behind its own leaders. 高山氏族紧跟在他身后,各个部落的人各自追随自己的领袖。
  In the dawn light, the army of Lord Tywin Lannister unfolded like an iron rose, thorns gleaming. 黎明的晨光中,泰温·兰尼斯特公爵的军队有如一朵缓缓绽开的钢铁玫瑰,尖刺闪闪发光。
  His uncle would lead the center. Sir Kevan had raised his standards above the kingsroad. 中军由叔叔指挥,凯冯爵士已在国王大道上竖起旗帜。
  Quivers hanging from their belts, the foot archers arrayed themselves into three long lines,  步弓手排成三列,箭枝在腰间晃动,
  to east and west of the road, and stood calmly stringing their bows. 分立道路东西,冷静地调试弓弦。
  Between them, pikemen formed squares; behind were rank on rank of men-at-arms with spear and sword and axe. 成方阵队形的长枪兵站在弓箭手中间,后方则是一排接一排手持矛、剑和斧头的步兵。
  Three hundred heavy horse surrounded Sir Kevan and the lords bannermen Lefford, Lydden, and Serrett with all their sworn retainers. 三百名重骑兵围绕着凯冯爵士、莱佛德伯爵、莱顿伯爵和沙略特伯爵等诸侯及其随从。
  The right wing was all cavalry, some four thousand men, heavy with the weight of their armor.  右翼全为骑兵,共约四千人,装甲厚重。