冰与火之歌系列之《权力的游戏》第986期:第四十六章 提利昂(22)(在线收听

   The trumpets blared again, da-DAAA da-DAAA da-DA da-DA da-DAAAAAAA. 喇叭再度响起,嘟——嘟、嘟——嘟、嘟——嘟、嘟——嘟嘟嘟嘟嘟嘟嘟嘟。

  Sir Gregor waved his huge sword and bellowed a command, and a thousand other voices screamed back at him. 格雷果爵士挥动巨剑,吼出一声命令,几千个人的声音随即回应。
  Tyrion put his spurs to his horse and added one more voice to the cacophony, and the van surged forward. 提利昂一踢马肚,放声加入这个嘈杂的大合唱,随后前锋军便向前冲去。
  "The river!" he shouted at his clansmen as they rode. "Remember, hew to the river." “河岸!”当他们策马开跑,他对原住民吼道,“记住!守住河岸!”
  He was still leading when they broke a canter, until Chella gave a bloodcurdling shriek and galloped past him, and Shagga howled and followed. 开始冲刺时,他还在前方带头,但齐拉随即发出一声毛骨悚然的凄厉呐喊,从他身边向前窜去,夏嘎狂吼一声,也跟了上去,
  The clansmen charged after them, leaving Tyrion in their dust. 原住民们纷纷跟进,把提利昂留在他们扬起的烟尘中。
  A crescent of enemy spearmen had formed ahead, 正前方,一群敌军枪兵组成半月阵形,
  a double hedgehog bristling with steel, waiting behind tall oaken shields marked with the sunburst of Karstark. 有如一只两面生刺的钢剌猬,躲在绘有卡史塔克家族日芒纹章的高大橡木盾后方,严阵以待。
  Gregor Clegane was the first to reach them, leading a wedge of armored veterans. 格雷果·克里冈率领一队精锐的重装骑兵,成楔形阵势,率先与之接战。
  Half the horses shied at the last second, breaking their charge before the row of spears. 面对大排长枪,半数的马在最后一刻停止冲刺,闪避开去。
  The others died, sharp steel points ripping through their chests. Tyrion saw a dozen men go down. 有的则是横冲直撞,枪尖贯胸而出,当场死亡,提利昂看到十来个人因此倒地。
  The Mountain's stallion reared, lashing out with iron-shod hooves as a barbed spearhead raked across his neck.  魔山的坐骑被一根带刺枪尖刮过脖颈,它人立起来,伸出镶蹄铁的双脚便往外踢。