冰与火之歌系列之《权力的游戏》第987期:第四十六章 提利昂(23)(在线收听

   Maddened, the beast lunged into the ranks. 发狂的战马跃入敌阵,

  Spears thrust at him from every side, but the shield wall broke beneath his weight. 长枪自四面八方向它捅来,但盾墙也同时在它的重压之下瓦解,
  The northerners stumbled away from the animal's death throes. 北方人脚步踉跄地闪避这只动物的垂死挣扎。
  As his horse fell, snorting blood and biting with his last red breath, the Mountain rose untouched, laying about him with his two-handed greatsword. 战马轰然倒下,吐血身亡,魔山却毫发无伤地起身,高擎双手巨剑,展开疯狂攻击。
  Shagga went bursting through the gap before the shields could close, other Stone Crows hard behind him. 夏嘎趁敌方的盾墙上的裂缝还来不及合拢,也冲了进去,石鸦部的人众紧跟在后。
  Tyrion shouted, "Burned Men! Moon Brothers! After me!" but most of them were ahead of him. 提利昂高叫:“灼人部!月人部!跟我来!”不过他们大都已冲到他前面去了。
  He glimpsed Timett son of Timett vault free as his mount died under him in full stride, 他瞥见提魅之子提魅的坐骑倒地而死,人则跳开脱身;
  saw a Moon Brother impaled on a Karstark spear, watched Conn's horse shatter a man's ribs with a kick. 有个月人部民被钉死在卡史塔克家的长矛上;康恩的马则扬腿踢断敌人的肋骨。
  A flight of arrows descended on them; where they came from he could not say, 这时,一阵箭雨洒在他们头上,究竟从何而来,他说不准,
  but they fell on Stark and Lannister alike, rattling off armor or finding flesh. 总之对史塔克军和兰尼斯特军一视同仁。它们或从盔甲上弹开,或找到暴露的血肉。
  Tyrion lifted his shield and hid beneath it. 提利昂举起盾牌,躲在下面。
  The hedgehog was crumbling, the northerners reeling back under the impact of the mounted assault. 在骑兵的冲击下,刺猬逐渐崩解,北方人纷纷后退。
  Tyrion saw Shagga catch a spearman full in the chest as the fool came on at a run, 提利昂看见有个矛兵愚蠢地朝夏嘎直冲过去,
  saw his axe shear through mail and leather and muscle and lungs. The man was dead on his feet,  结果被夏嘎战斧一挥正中胸膛,穿透盔甲、皮革、肌肉和肺,顿时毙命。