冰与火之歌系列之《权力的游戏》第990期:第四十六章 提利昂(26)(在线收听

   The blade made a hideous scraping sound as he drew it back over the steel. 那人抽回长剑,在他头盔上拉出可怕的金属摩擦,

  The tall man grinned... until Tyrion's destrier bit, quick as a snake, laying his cheek bare to the bone. 高个子不由得嘿嘿一笑……谁料提利昂的战马突然张口,如蛇一般迅捷地咬掉他一边脸颊,伤口深可见骨。
  Then he screamed. Tyrion buried his axe in his head. 那人厉声尖叫,提利昂一斧劈进他的脑袋。
  "You die," he told him, and he did. “去死的是你!”他告诉他,对方果然死了。
  As he wrenched the blade free, he heard a shout. 他正要抽回战斧,却听有人大喊。
  ‘Eddard!" a voice rang out. "For Eddard and Winterfell!" “为艾德大人而战!”对方声音宏亮,“为临冬城的艾德大人而战!”
  The knight came thundering down on him, swinging the spiked ball of a morningstar around his head. 这名骑士马蹄奔腾,朝他冲来,带刺的流星锤在他头顶挥舞。
  Their warhorses slammed together before Tyrion could so much as open his mouth to shout for Bronn. 提利昂还来不及叫唤波隆,两匹战马便轰地撞在一起,
  His right elbow exploded with pain as the spikes punched through the thin metal around the joint. 流星锤的尖刺穿透右手肘关节处薄弱的金属防护,一阵剧痛顿时炸裂开来,
  His axe was gone, as fast as that. 斧头也立刻脱手。
  He clawed for his sword, but the morningstar was circling again, coming at his face. 他伸手想拔剑,但流星锤呼啦啦转了个圈,又朝他迎面扑来。
  A sickening crunch, and he was falling. 一声令人作呕的碰撞,他从马上摔了下去。
  He did not recall hitting the ground, but when he looked up there was only sky above him. 他不记得自己撞到地面,然而待他抬头,上方只有天空。
  He rolled onto his side and tried to find his feet, but pain shuddered through him and the world throbbed. 他连忙翻身,想要站起,却痛得浑身发抖,仿佛整个世界都在颤动。
  The knight who had felled him drew up above him. 将他击落的骑士靠过来,高高在上。
  "Tyrion the Imp," he boomed down. "You are mine. Do you yield, Lannister?" “小恶魔提利昂,”他声如洪钟地向下喊,“你是我的俘虏了。投不投降,兰尼斯特?”