冰与火之歌系列之《权力的游戏》第998期:第四十七章 凯特琳(2)(在线收听

   "Did you watch for me?" he'd ask when he bent to bug her. "Did you, little cat?" “你有没有等我啊?”当他弯身搂抱她时,一定会这么问,“有没有啊,小凯特?”

  Brandon Stark had bid her wait as well. 布兰登·史塔克也教她等了好久。
  "I shall not be long, my lady," he had vowed. “夫人,此行不会太长。”他曾郑重发誓,
  "We will be wed on my return." “等我回来,咱们便可成婚。”
  Yet when the day came at last, it was his brother Eddard who stood beside her in the sept. 然而当成婚那天终于来临,与她并肩站在圣堂的却是他的弟弟艾德。
  Ned had lingered scarcely a fortnight with his new bride before he too had ridden off to war with promises on his lips. 奈德与新娘相守不足两周,便又快马赶赴战场,只留下一个又一个承诺。
  At least he had left her with more than words; he had given her a son. 好歹他留下的不只是空洞的话语,他还给了她一个儿子。
  Nine moons had waxed and waned, and Robb had been born in Riverrun while his father still warred in the south. 月盈月缺,转眼九个月过去,罗柏诞生于奔流城,他的父亲却还在南方作战。
  She had brought him forth in blood and pain, not knowing whether Ned would ever see him. 她历经莫大痛苦,把浑身是血的罗柏带来人世,却不知奈德今生有无机会见到他。
  Her son. He had been so small...  她的儿子啊,当时的他好小好小……
  And now it was for Robb that she waited for...  如今,她等待的对象变成了罗柏……
  for Robb, and for Jaime Lannister, the gilded knight who men said had never learned to wait at all. 以及詹姆·兰尼斯特,那个金光闪闪,传说从不知等待为何物的骑士。
  "The Kingslayer is restless, and quick to anger," her uncle Brynden had told Robb. “弑君者暴躁易怒。”布林登叔叔对罗柏这么说,
  And he had wagered their lives and their best hope of victory on the truth of what he said. 他则以所有人的性命和惟一的希望为赌注,押在这句话上面。
  If Robb was frightened, he gave no sign of it. 罗柏即便心里害怕,也一点没表现出来。
  Catelyn watched her son as he moved among the men, 凯特琳看着他在队伍里走动,
  touching one on the shoulder, sharing a jest with another, helping a third to gentle an anxious horse. 拍拍这人肩膀,和那人同声说笑,又协助另一人安抚焦躁不安的马匹。
  His armor clinked softly when he moved. Only his head was bare. 他的盔甲随着移动轻声作响,全身上下只有头部暴露在外。