冰与火之歌系列之《权力的游戏》第1029期:第四十八章 丹妮莉丝(22)(在线收听

   Mormont grunted, stumbled. Dany felt a sharp pain in her belly, a wetness on her thighs. 莫尔蒙闷哼一声,绊了一跤。丹妮只觉腹部传来一阵剧痛,两腿间有湿漉漉的感觉。

  Qotho shrieked triumph, but his arakh had found bone, and for half a heartbeat it caught. 柯索尖声狂叫庆祝胜利,但他的亚拉克弯刀砍到了骨头,卡住了半个心跳的时间。
  It was enough. Sir Jorah brought his longsword down with all the strength left him,  这就够了。乔拉爵士用尽毕生力气挥剑砍下,
  through flesh and muscle and bone, and Qotho's forearm dangled loose, flopping on a thin cord of skin and sinew. 穿透皮肤、肌肉和骨头,几乎把柯索的右手前臂硬生生斩断,只剩几丝皮肤和肌腱相连,松垮地摇摆。
  The knight's next cut was at the Dothraki's ear, so savage that Qotho's face seemed almost to explode. 骑士再度挥剑,朝多斯拉克人耳部一刀,力道极猛,柯索的脸仿佛整个炸开。
  The Dothraki were shouting, Mirri Maz Duur wailing inside the tent like nothing human, Quaro pleading for water as he died. 围观的多斯拉克人大呼小叫,帐篷里弥丽·马兹·笃尔的嚎叫完全不是人的声音。地上的魁洛哀求别人给他水喝,然后死去。
  Dany cried out for help, but no one heard. 丹妮则出声呼救,但无人在意。
  Rakharo was fighting Haggo, arakh dancing with arakh until Jhogo's whip cracked, loud as thunder, the lash coiling around Haggo's throat. 拉卡洛正与哈戈搏斗,两柄亚拉克弯刀相互交击,直到乔戈的皮鞭喀啦一响,如爆雷般缠住哈戈的喉咙。
  A yank, and the bloodrider stumbled backward, losing his feet and his sword. 他猛力一扯,血盟卫失去重心,踉跄地向后摔倒,弯刀从手中松落。
  Rakharo sprang forward, howling, swinging his arakh down with both hands through the top of Haggo's head. 拉卡洛向前疾跃,双手紧握亚拉克弯刀,咆哮着从哈戈头顶捅下。
  The point caught between his eyes, red and quivering. 刀尖卡在血盟卫两眼之间,鲜红而颤抖。
  Someone threw a stone, and when Dany looked, her shoulder was torn and bloody. 有人朝丹妮丢石头,她定神一看,自己的肩膀已经皮破流血。
  "No," she wept, "no, please, stop it, it's too high, the price is too high." “住手,”她哭喊,“住手,求求你们,快住手,太高了,这样的代价太高了。”