冰与火之歌系列之《权力的游戏》第1040期:第四十九章 艾莉亚(8)(在线收听

   Old Nan used to tell stories of boys who stowed away on trading galleys and sailed off into all kinds of adventures. 老奶妈以前常说一个故事,有位小男孩躲在商船货舱里逃走,结果遇上各式各样的精彩冒险,

  Maybe Arya could do that too. 或许艾莉亚也行哩。
  She decided to visit the riverfront. It was on the way to the Mud Gate anyway, and she hadn't checked that one today. 于是她决定去河边看看,反正会路过烂泥门,而她今天还没去那儿呢。
  The wharfs were oddly quiet when Arya got there. 艾莉亚抵达码头时,周围静得出奇。
  She spied another pair of gold cloaks, walking side by side through the fish market, but they never so much as looked at her. 她瞥见两个金袍卫士,正并排穿过鱼市,可他们看都没看她一眼。
  Half the stalls were empty, and it seemed to her that there were fewer ships at dock than she remembered. 市场的摊贩空了一半,港口的船只也比她记忆中少。
  Out on the Blackwater, three of the king's war galleys moved in formation, gold-painted hulls splitting the water as their oars rose and fell. 黑水河上,三艘国王的战船排成固定阵形巡逻,船桨起起落落,金色的船壳破浪前进。
  Arya watched them for a bit, then began to make her way along the river. 艾莉亚看了一会儿,然后开始沿河走。
  When she saw the guardsmen on the third pier, in grey woolen cloaks trimmed with white satin, her heart almost stopped in her chest. 当她看见站在三号码头边,身穿灰色羊毛滚白缎披风的卫士时,她的心几乎停止了跳动。
  The sight of Winterfell's colors brought tears to her eyes. 临冬城的颜色,她的眼泪不禁夺眶而出。
  Behind them, a sleek three-banked trading galley rocked at her moorings. 在他们身后,有一条漂亮的三桅商船,泊在码头里轻轻摆动。
  Arya could not read the name painted on the hull; the words were strange, Myrish, Braavosi, perhaps even High Valyrian. 艾莉亚看不懂船壳上漆的字,那是种奇怪的语言,可能是密尔语、布拉佛斯语甚至高等瓦雷利亚语。
  She grabbed a passing longshoreman by the sleeve. "Please," she said, "what ship is this?" 她抓住一个路过的码头工的袖子。“请问,”她说,“这艘船是?”
  She's the Wind Witch, out of Myr, the man said. “密尔来的‘风之巫女’号。”那人说。